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Implementation of the Go board game in Haskell.

        use ascii output
        use ansi output
        show help message
  • Start the program, optionally passing a display mode on the command line (--ascii or --ansi)
  • Enter the width of the board as an integer between 2 and 26
  • Each turn, a player will be asked to enter a position to place their piece
    • A position is in the format A1 where letters are the columns and numbers are the rows
    • Players may also enter pass to skip their turn
  • After both players pass in a row, the game ends
  • Each player's score is calculated using the stone scoring method
  • The player with the highest score is the winner



Implementation Details


data Params io
ascii   :: MonadIO io => Params io
ansi    :: MonadIO io => Params io

newLine :: MonadIO io => io ()
char    :: MonadIO io => Char -> io ()
string  :: MonadIO io => String -> io ()

The Display module contains the Display.Params type, which holds the specific ways to display various parts of the game board. Every function is parameterized over the MonadIO to make them usable in any Monad transformers that have IO.

  • The ascii value uses normal ASCII characters without any special terminal features.

  • The ansi value uses Unicode characters and the functions from the ansi-terminal library for terminal clearing and colors.


data Player   = Black | White
data Piece    = Empty | Piece Player
data Position = Position { row :: Int, column :: Int }
data Board

opposite  :: Player -> Player
make      :: MonadIO io => Int -> io Board
position  :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe Position
positions :: Board -> [Position]
get       :: MonadIO io => Board -> Position -> io Piece
set       :: MonadIO io => Board -> Position -> Piece -> io ()
remove    :: MonadIO io => Board -> Position -> io ()
equals    :: MonadIO io => Board -> Board -> io Bool
count     :: Board -> Player -> IO Int
fromList  :: MonadIO io => Int -> [[Piece]] -> io Board
display   :: MonadIO io => Display.Params io -> Board -> io ()

The core of the game is represented in the Board type. Under the hood, the implementation is a flat IOVector from the vector library. Each element of the board is Empty or a Piece for one of two players (Black or White).

Board must have a width to be created through either make or fromList. The other functions use the board's width to perform calculations.

  • The equals function takes two boards and only returns true if the width and all elements are equal.
  • The count function is implemented using the vector foldr higher-order function and returns the number of pieces of a giver player.
  • The display function iterates over the entire vector and uses the functions from the Display module to print a representation of the board to the terminal.

Positions are represented as a record with the row and column indices. When accessing or modifying the vector, the 2-dimensional position is converted into a 1-dimensional index into the vector.

  • The position smart constructor takes a board and 2-dimensional coordinate as parameters and only returns Just of a position if the position is valid for the board.
  • The positions function returns a list of all valid positions within the board's width.


data LogicError = PositionTaken | SelfCapture
newtype Group   = Group {getGroupSet :: Set Position}

neighbors :: Board -> Position -> [Position]
group     :: MonadIO io => Board -> Position -> io Group
liberties :: MonadIO io => Board -> Position -> io (Set Position)
play      :: MonadIO io => Board -> Position -> Board.Player -> ExceptT LogicError io (Set Position)

The Logic builds on top of the Board module to implement specific game logic for the Go game.

  • The neighbors function uses Board.position internally to return a list of valid positions adjacent to a given position.
  • group returns a Set of positions (wrapped in the Group type) for the connected group of pieces starting a some position. Using the Set type provides an efficient way to avoid visiting a position multiple times.
  • The liberties function returns a Set of liberties (empty positions) around a connected group starting at a given position. It uses the filterM function internally to collect only the Empty positions around each piece.
  • The play function attempts to place a player's piece at a given position.
    • First, it returns PositionTaken if there is already a piece at the position.
    • Then it places the piece with Board.set and checks the liberties of that group. If it has liberties, it returns an empty set.
    • If the newly placed piece has no liberties, but it is going to capture an enemy group, it returns a set of all positions that are captured.
    • However, if the new piece has no liberties and it does not capture any groups, the move is rolled back with Board.remove and a SelfCapture error is returned.


data GameState = GameState
    { board         :: Board
    , current       :: Player
    , passCount     :: Int
    , displayParams :: Params GameM
data GameError = InvalidPosition | PlayerPassed | LogicError Logic.LogicError
type GameM     = ExceptT GameError (StateT GameState IO)

run      :: Bool -> IO ()
runGameM :: GameM () -> GameState -> IO ()
gameLoop :: GameM ()

The Game module is in control of the gameplay interactions. At all times during the game, the current state is held in the GameState record. The GameError type has the different types of errors that can interrupt the game.

The GameM is the core Monad of the module. It is implemented with the ExceptT and StateT Monad transformers and uses IO at the core. Using a Monad transformer provides simple do notation for handling multiple Monads.

  • The Monad transformer tower roughly expands to:
type GameM a = ExceptT GameError (StateT GameState IO) a
             = StateT GameState IO (Either GameError a)
             = GameState -> m (Either GameError a, GameState)
  • By using ExceptT e (StateT s m) instead of StateT s (ExceptT e), it allows the runGameM function to handle errors and continue evaluation. The opposite order would lose the current state when it encounters errors.

  • runGameM takes a value of the GameM () type and repeatedly evaluates it and updates the game state.

    • On error, the runGameM inspects the current state and decides whether to recover and which player should move next. Otherwise, the function switches the current player and continues the game

    • runGameM only stops evaluation when both players have passed (the state's passCount is zero) and calculates the final score.


Terminal version of the Go board game





