Sets up my OSX configuration preferences and dependencies for zsh, vim, and other dot-configured packages.
Originally forked from @ryanb, with pastes from @robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh effort, @devjj's vim-config, @holman, @skwp's YADR and open sourced dotfiles from various other nerds.
- Mac OSX 10.8+
- Homebrew installed
- zsh as default shell
brew install zsh
chsh -s /user/local/bin/zsh $USER
Then login again. which zsh
should read /usr/local/bin/zsh
git clone git:// ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
rake install
Customed tailored for me. YMMV.
- Install task invokes homebrew for updates and dependent packages
- Install task invokes
script, which sets up sane OSX preferences - Install task installs fonts, most notably Source Code Pro
- Pry instead of IRB everywhere
- Simple, custom prompt with a right-hand display of current Ruby version (assumes rbenv)
- "Fasd" fast directory switching tool
- Vimified command line (you start in insert mode)
- Git key bindings (see
- Single, simple and well-commented
- it's all there, including plugin selection - Special "writing mode" - toggle with
- Rspecs (or Ruby code) will run out-of-band in via
- Custom IR Black variant for MacVim color scheme (solarized is used outside of gui presence)