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mkrapp committed Feb 6, 2017
1 parent 1446a0e commit 94c547b
Showing 1 changed file with 130 additions and 6 deletions.
136 changes: 130 additions & 6 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,18 +5,142 @@ SEMIC
It calculates surface temperature and mass balance terms (e.g., accumulation and ablation) over snow- and ice-covered regions, especially over glaciers or large ice sheets.
The model is driven by atmospheric forcing like air temperature, downwelling radiation, wind, humidity, surface pressure, snow fall, and rain fall.

*SEMIC* makes use of [derived types](#overview-of-derived-types). The main ones are [`surface_param_class`](#surface_param_class) for model parameters, [`surface_state_class`](#surface_state_class) for model variables, and [`boundary_opt_class`](#boundary_opt_class) for flags to check if some variables should be overriding with external fields. [`surface_state_class`](#surface_state_class) includes atmospheric forcing as well as prognostic and diagnostic variables as one-dimensional arrays.

The major subroutine to be called for each time step is `surface_energy_and_mass_balance`. A proper interface for the model should include the following steps:

1. Allocate all arrays with length N:
`call surface_alloc(<surface_state_class>,N)`
2. Load model parameters, for example using a Fortran Namelist:
`call surface_physics_par_load(<surface_param_class>,<Fortran Namelist file>)`
3. Define the boundary conditions (i.e, the overriding with external fields):
`call surface_boundary_define(<boundary_opt_class>,<surface_param_class>%boundary)`
4. Loop over your time steps:
`call surface_energy_and_mass_balance(<surface_state_class>,(<surface_param_class>,<boundary_opt_class>,<day>,<year>)`
Update the forcing variables before and safe model variables after calling `surface_energy_and_mass_balance`.
5. De-allocate all arrays:
`call surface_dealloc(<surface_state_class>)`


An example on how to setup and run *SEMIC* is provided in the `example` directory.
Got to that directory and run the example via

make run_example


For the optimization of model parameters, I've implemented some algorithms from Jason Brownlee's book [*Clever Algorithms*]( in Python.
Have a look into the `optimize` directory.
Here, you can install the optimization algorithms for Python using `setuptools`:

python install

*SEMIC* as Python module

Thanks to the pretty good `f2py` wrapper [`f90wrap`]( :+1:, *SEMIC* can be used as a Python module. Check out [`f2py/`](f2py/ for a quick implementation of *SEMIC* in Python.

Overview of Derived Types


type surface_param_class !< Define all parameters needed for the surface module
character (len=256) :: name !< domain name
character (len=256) :: boundary(30) !< list of vriables names to be overriden by external fields
character (len=256) :: alb_scheme !< name of albedo scheme: 'slater', 'isba', 'denby', 'alex', or 'none'
integer :: nx !< number of grid points
integer :: n_ksub !< number of sub-daily time steps
double precision :: ceff !< surface specific heat capacity of snow/ice [J/Km2]
double precision :: albi !< background albedo (bare ice) [no unit]
double precision :: albl !< background albedo (bare land) [no unit]
double precision :: alb_smax !< maximum snow albedo (fresh snow) [no unit]
double precision :: alb_smin !< minimum snow albedo (old, wet snow) [no unit]
double precision :: hcrit !< critical snow height for which grid cell is 50%snow covered [m]
double precision :: rcrit !< critical snow height for which refreezing fraction is 50% [m]
double precision :: amp !< Amplitude of diurnal cycle [K]
double precision :: csh !< sensible heat exchange coefficient [no unit]
double precision :: clh !< latent heat exchange coefficient [no unit]
double precision :: tmin !< minimum temperature for which albedo decline becomes effective ("slater") [K]
double precision :: tmax !< maximum temperature for which albedo decline becomes effective ("slater") [K]
double precision :: tstic !< time step [s]
double precision :: tsticsub !< sub-time step [s]
double precision :: tau_a !< dry albedo decline for "isba" albedo scheme [1/day]
double precision :: tau_f !< wet albedo decline for "isba" albedo scheme [1/day]
double precision :: w_crit !< critical liquid water content for "isba" albedo scheme [kg/m2]
double precision :: mcrit !< critical melt rate for "isba" and "denby" albedo scheme [m/s]
double precision :: afac !< param [no unit]
double precision :: tmid !< param for "alex" albedo parametrization [K]
end type


For model parameter optimization, have a look into the `optimize` directory.
type surface_state_class !< model variables
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: t2m !< 2m air temperature [K]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: tsurf !< surface temperature [K]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: hsnow !< snow pack height (water equivalent) [m]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: hice !< ice thickness (water equivalent) [m]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: alb !< grid-averaged albedo [no unit]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: alb_snow !< snow albedo [no unit]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: melt !< potential surface melt [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: melted_snow !< actual melted snow [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: melted_ice !< actual melted ice [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: refr !< refreezing [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: smb !< surface mass balance [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: acc !< surface accumulation [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lhf !< latent heat flux [W/m2]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: shf !< sensible heat flux [W/m2]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lwu !< upwelling longwave radiation [W/m2]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: subl !< sublimation [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: evap !< evaporation [??]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: smb_snow !< surface mass balance of snow [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: smb_ice !< surface mass balance of ice [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: runoff !< potential surface runoff [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: qmr !< heat flux from melting/refreezing [W/m2]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: qmr_res !< residual heat flux from melting/refreezing(at end of time step) [W/m2]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: amp !< diurnal cycle amplitude [K]
! Forcing variables
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: sf !< snow fall [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: rf !< rain fall [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: sp !< surface pressure [Pa]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: lwd !< downwelling longwave radiation [W/m2]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: swd !< downwelling shortwave radiation [W/m2]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: wind !< surface wind speed [m/s]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: rhoa !< air density [kg/m3]
double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: qq !< air specific humidity [kg/kg]
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: mask !< ocean/land/ice mask [0/1/2]
end type


type boundary_opt_class !< object to hold flags for overriding with external fields
logical :: t2m !< flag for 2m air temperature
logical :: tsurf !< flag for surface temperature
logical :: hsnow !< flag for snow height
logical :: alb !< flag for albedo
logical :: melt !< flag for melting
logical :: refr !< flag for refreezing
logical :: smb !< flag for surface mass balance
logical :: acc !< flag for accumulation
logical :: lhf !< flag for latent heat flux
logical :: shf !< flag for senible heat flux
logical :: subl !< flag for sublimation/refreezing
logical :: amp !< flag for diurnal cycle amplitude
end type

soon to come...

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