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optimisation package for MITgcm based on m1qn3 with proper reverse control


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optimisation package for MITgcm based on m1qn3 with proper reverse communication (code and documentation can be found here: The current version works with MITgcm checkpoint68w (2024/03/05) and later. For older version of MITgcm use, e.g. git checkout tags/prior_to_checkpoint68w

These are some basic instructions to an optimization of myExp=tutorial_global_oce_optim in MITgcm/verification with optim_m1qn3. Some tweaking is definitely possible and not described here.

cd MITgcm/verification

This is just to compile and run the model for testing. I use TAF (just because I have it and OpenAD is a pain to compile on a Mac), but that should not make any difference

./testreport -t ${myExp} -adm -j 4 -ncad

This is the result:

G D M    C  A  F
e p a R  o  d  D
n n k u  s  G  G
2 d e n  t  r  r
Y Y Y Y 15>16< 8 pass  tutorial_global_oce_optim  (e=0, w=0, lfd=1, dop=1, sm=0)

and here is the cost function value that I get:

(PID.TID 0000.0001)   local fc =  0.620023228182336D+01
(PID.TID 0000.0001)  global fc =  0.620023228182336D+01

Now I download and compile optim_m1qn3:

cd ../../
git clone
cd optim_m1qn3/src

In the compile step, it is important that you use the same compiler and compiler flags here as for compiling the MITgcm. This is important to ensure that the binary files written by the MITgcm are read correctly. To generate a working makefile with the same settings as in the verification experiment use

./prep_make ../../MITgcm/verification/${myExp}/build

In some cases you many need to edit makefile_templ before running prep_make. See MITgcm/optim/ for more details. Then,

make depend

Then I get executable optim.x

cd ../../MITgcm/verification/${myExp}/run
cp ../../../../optim_m1qn3/src/optim.x .


  • turn off the gradient check (in data.pkg: useGrdchk = .FALSE.)
  • tweak the namelist files data.ctrl and data.optim to the compiler needs (I need a / to terminate a namelist)
  • I would replace fmin with dfminFrac = 0.1 (expected reduction of 10%) in data.optim&OPTIM to be independent of the absolute value of the cost function. (Note: When you run ./mitgcmuv_ad with code prior to Apr 12, 2019 with this you need to comment out dfminFrac, because older versions of mitgcmuv_ad did not know about this namelist parameter.)
  • set numiter=100, nfunc=10, or some other large value. nfunc*numiter is the number of simulations that are allowed in total. This number should be much larger than numiter, because you may need more than one function call (= run of mitgcmuv_ad) per iteration, see m1qn3 docs for details
  • add an empty namelist &M1QN3 to data.optim

Ready to run:

./optim.x > opt0.txt

The output in opt0.txt is easier to read with less -S opt0.out (to truncate long lines); essentially I have the same value for the cost function.

Large Scale Optimization with off-line capability.

OPTIM_READPARMS: Control options have been read.
OPTIM_READPARMS: Minimization options have been read.

OPTIM_READDATA: Reading cost function and gradient of cost function
                for optimization cycle:            0

OPTIM_READDATA: opened file ecco_cost_MIT_CE_000.opt0000
OPTIM_READDATA: nvartype            1
OPTIM_READDATA: nvarlength         2315
OPTIM_READDATA: filenopt            0
OPTIM_READDATA: fileff    6.2002322818233591
OPTIM_READDATA: fileiG            1
OPTIM_READDATA: filejG            1
OPTIM_READDATA: filensx            2
OPTIM_READDATA: filensy            2
OPTIM_READDATA: nWetcGlobal         2315        2315        2254        2215        2178        2142        2114        2076        2048        1999        1948        1850        1655        1372         828
OPTIM_READDATA: nWetsGlobal         2149        2149        2102        2058        2027        1987        1959        1918        1887        1831        1771        1653        1404        1118         623
OPTIM_READDATA: nWetwGlobal         2206        2206        2146        2104        2070        2029        2004        1959        1925        1869        1808        1705        1458        1164         671
OPTIM_READDATA: ncvarindex            1          -1          -1
OPTIM_READDATA: ncvarrecs             1          -1          -1
OPTIM_READDATA: ncvarxmax            45          -1          -1
OPTIM_READDATA: ncvarymax            20          -1          -1
OPTIM_READDATA: ncvarnrmax            1          -1          -1
OPTIM_READDATA: ncvargrd   c,X,X,
OPTIM_READDATA: end of optim_readdata

OPTIM_READPARMS: Iteration number =            0
number of control variables       =         2315
cost function value in ecco_ctrl  =    6.2002322818233591
expected cost function minimum    =    5.5802090536410232
expected cost function decrease   =   0.62002322818233591
Data will be read from the following file: ecco_ctrl_MIT_CE_000.opt0000

OPTIM_SUB: Calling m1qn3_optim for iteration:            0
OPTIM_SUB: with nn, REAL_BYTE =         2315           4
OPTIM_SUB: read model state

OPTIM_READDATA: Reading control vector
                for optimization cycle:            0

OPTIM_READDATA: opened file ecco_ctrl_MIT_CE_000.opt0000
OPTIM_READDATA: nvartype            1
OPTIM_READDATA: nvarlength         2315
OPTIM_READDATA: filenopt            0
OPTIM_READDATA: fileff    6.2002322818233591
OPTIM_READDATA: fileiG            1
OPTIM_READDATA: filejG            1
OPTIM_READDATA: filensx            2
OPTIM_READDATA: filensy            2
OPTIM_READDATA: end of optim_readdata

OPTIM_READDATA: Reading cost function and gradient of cost function
                for optimization cycle:            0

OPTIM_READDATA: opened file ecco_cost_MIT_CE_000.opt0000
OPTIM_READDATA: nvartype            1
OPTIM_READDATA: nvarlength         2315
OPTIM_READDATA: filenopt            0
OPTIM_READDATA: fileff    6.2002322818233591
OPTIM_READDATA: fileiG            1
OPTIM_READDATA: filejG            1
OPTIM_READDATA: filensx            2
OPTIM_READDATA: filensy            2
OPTIM_READDATA: end of optim_readdata

OPTIM_SUB after reading ecco_ctrl and ecco_cost:
OPTIM_SUB      nn =         2315
OPTIM_SUB    objf =    6.2002322818233591
OPTIM_SUB   xx(1) =    0.0000000000000000
OPTIM_SUB adxx(1) =   -6.7879882408306003E-005
OPTIM_SUB: cold start, optimcycle =           0
OPTIM_SUB: call m1qn3_offline ........
OPTIM_SUB: ...........................
OPTIM_SUB: returned from m1qn3_offline
OPTIM_SUB:      nn =         2315
OPTIM_SUB:   xx(1) =   0.51934864251896229       0.73000729032300782
OPTIM_SUB: adxx(1) =   -6.7879882408306003E-005  -9.5413379312958568E-005
OPTIM_SUB: omode   =           -1
OPTIM_SUB: niter   =            1
OPTIM_SUB: nsim    =        10000
OPTIM_SUB: reverse =            1

OPTIM_SUB: mean(xx) =  0.16365068483545642
OPTIM_SUB:  max(xx) =   4.6525355815045790
OPTIM_SUB:  min(xx) =  -9.3326211896764324
OPTIM_SUB:  std(xx) =   15.613450260548481

OPTIM_STORE_M1QN3: saving the state of m1qn3 in OPWARM.opt0001

OPTIM_SUB: writing         2315  sized control to file ecco_ctrl

OPTIM_WRITEDATA: Writing new control vector to file(s)
                 for optimization cycle:            1

OPTIM_WRITEDATA: nvartype              1
OPTIM_WRITEDATA: nvarlength         2315
OPTIM_WRITEDATA: yctrlid    MIT_CE_000
OPTIM_WRITEDATA: nopt                  1
OPTIM_WRITEDATA: ff           -9999.0000000000000
OPTIM_WRITEDATA: iG                    1
OPTIM_WRITEDATA: jG                    1
OPTIM_WRITEDATA: nsx                   2
OPTIM_WRITEDATA: nsy                   2
OPTIM_WRITEDATA: end of optim_writedata, icvoffset         2315

Large Scale Optimization run finished.

ff = -9999 is an intentional dummy value.

Now you can organize the rest in a loop. In bash, after removing the linked file data.optim it could look like this: (remember to comment out dfminFrac, if mitgcmuv_ad does not know about it, see above; dfminFrac is really only needed in the zeroth iteration.)

# tabula rasa:
rm ecco_c* OPWARM.* m1qn3_output.txt
cat > data.optim <<EOF #
# ********************************
# Off-line optimization parameters
# ********************************
 dfminFrac = 0.1,


while (( $myiter < 101 ))
    # formatter iteration count
    it=`echo $myiter | awk '{printf "%03i",$1}'`
    echo "iteration ${myiter}"
    # increment counter in data.optim
    sed -i .${it} "s/.*optimcycle.*/ optimcycle=${myiter},/" data.optim
    ./mitgcmuv_ad > output${it}.txt
    ./optim.x > opt${it}.txt
    m1qn3out=`grep "m1qn3: output mode" m1qn3_output.txt`
    if test "x${m1qn3out}" != x; then
	    echo "m1qn3 has finished"
    # increase counter for next iteration

A script optim_m1qn3/src/ is provided that gives another example. After this:

grep "fc " output001.txt

(PID.TID 0000.0001)   early fc =  0.000000000000000D+00
(PID.TID 0000.0001)   local fc =  0.132325873958879D+02
(PID.TID 0000.0001)  global fc =  0.132325873958879D+02

grep "global fc " output???.txt

output000.txt:(PID.TID 0000.0001)  global fc =  0.620023228182336D+01
output001.txt:(PID.TID 0000.0001)  global fc =  0.132325873958879D+02
output002.txt:(PID.TID 0000.0001)  global fc =  0.615567811433600D+01
output003.txt:(PID.TID 0000.0001)  global fc =  0.615556878869932D+01
output004.txt:(PID.TID 0000.0001)  global fc =  0.615547009131471D+01

As you can see, the improvement is not very good after the initial steps, and the optimization will not be successful in the end, i.e. satisfy the tolerance set by epsg. This is likely because the number of timesteps in data is small (20) for this test. Try longer intergations (e.g. 1 year) and wait longer. Or try this with myExp=obcs_ctrl, where the optimisation is more successfull even with the short experiment.

Check out m1qn3_output.txt, which records the output of m1qn3. The python script greps the cost function values out of m1qn3_ouput.txt and plots them and the number of simulations per iteration; the latter typically increases with decreasing cost function.


optimisation package for MITgcm based on m1qn3 with proper reverse control







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