This java lib provides a Metar and TAF decoder.
This project is divided into multiple maven module
- metarParser-entities: Contains the model and the enumerations
- metarParser-parsers: Contains the parsers and the commands
- metarParser-services: Contains a service allowing you to parse or retrieve METAR and TAF
- metarParser-spi: Contains the SPI
- metarParser-commons: Contains utility and internationalization classes
To add the service module :
Or check here if you are not using maven.
The class diagrams are generated by IntelliJ When updating classes, regenerate the diagrams and save the images in the project.
The application contains numerous enumerations to represent data.
- CloudType: to represent the type of cloud.
- CloudQuantity: to represent the amount of clouds.
- Intensity: to represent the intensity of a meteorological phenomenon.
- Descriptive: to represent the description of a meteorological phenomenon.
- DepositType: to represent the type of deposit on a runway.
- DepositCoverage: to represent the percentage of the runway covered by the deposit.
- DepositThickness: to represent the thickness of the deposit.
- DepositBrakingCapacity: to represent the braking capacity on the runway.
- Phenomenon: to represent a phenomenon.
- RunwayInfoTrend: to represent the visibility trend on a runway.
- WeatherChangeTime: to represent a trend.
- TimeIndicator: to represent the time of the trend.
The airport class is composed of
- Name
- City
- Country
- IATA code
- ICAO code
- latitude
- longitude
- altitude
- timezone Note: Depending on the source for the airports, fields can be null
In this application a cloud is composed of
- CloudQuantity
- CloudType (optional)
- height (optional)
A country is represented by its name.
The runway information can represent either a visual range or a deposit.
If the object represents a visual range the field minRange
is non-null.
The runway information is composed of
- The name of the runway
- The minimal visibility on the runway (optional)
- The indicator of the visual range. Either "greater than", "less than" or empty. (optional)
- The maximal visibility on the runway (optional)
- The trend of the visibility (optional)
- The type of deposit (optional)
- The percentage of coverage on the runway
- The thickness of the deposit.
- The braking capacity on the runway.
The visibility class is composed of
- The main visibility
- The minimal visibility (optional)
- The direction of the minimal visibility (optional)
The weather condition is class to represent a meteorological phenomenon. A weather condition is composed of
- an intensity (optional)
- a descriptive (optional)
- a list of phenomenon
The wind class is composed of
- the speed
- the direction
- the speed of the gust
- the minimal wind variation in degrees
- the maximal wind variation in degrees
- the unit of the wind's speed
This class is a subclass of Wind. It is composed of
- the height of the wind shear.
Both METAR and TAF objects have a list of trends
For the METAR object the MetarTrend
represents the trend.
For TAF object the trends can be FMTafTrend
, TafTrend
and TafProbTrend
It is possible to get a specific type of Trend for TAF with methods:
- getBECMGs
- getFMs
- getProbs
- getTempos
- getInters
Trends inherit from AbstractWeatherContainer
so they have the following fields:
- a wind
- a windshear
- a visibility and vertical visibility
- a list of clouds
- a list of weather conditions
- a Remark
By default, airports are loaded from the temporary file airport.dat It is possible to provide your own source of airports via spi. See spi module for details.
Instantiate the metarFacade and use its method parse.
String code = "LFPG 131830Z 19005KT 170V250 9999 -SHRA FEW040TCU SCT086 16/08 Q1011";
MetarService service = MetarService.getInstance();
Metar metar = service.decode(code);
Instantiate the metarFacade. Use the MetarService and its method retrieveFromAirport with the ICAO code of the airport.
String icao = "LFPG";
MetarService service = MetarService.getInstance();
Metar metar = service.retrieveFromAirport(icao);
Use the TAFFacade to decode the taf.
String message = "TAF LFPG 150500Z 1506/1612 17005KT 6000 SCT012 \n"
+"TEMPO 1506/1509 3000 BR BKN006 PROB40 \n"
+"TEMPO 1506/1508 0400 BCFG BKN002 PROB40 \n"
+"TEMPO 1512/1516 4000 -SHRA FEW030TCU BKN040 \n"
+"BECMG 1520/1522 CAVOK \n"
+"TEMPO 1603/1608 3000 BR BKN006 PROB40 \n"
+"TEMPO 1604/1607 0400 BCFG BKN002 TX17/1512Z TN07/1605Z";
TAFService service = TAFService.getInstance();
TAF taf = service.decode(message);
Lines of the message have to be separated by a "\n" character.
Use the TAFFacade and the method retrieveFromAirport with the ICAO code of the airport.
String icao = "LFPG";
TAFService service = TAFService.getInstance();
TAF taf = service.retrieveFromAirport(icao);
The default locale is english. The following locales are also available in the project but may not be fully translated:
- French
- German
- Polish
- Italian
- simplified chinese
To change the locale use the method setLocale(Locale)
of the class
Messages.getInstance().setLocale(Locale.FRENCH); // Changes the locale to french.
If you are willing to add a new locale or contribute to the project please see file.
Jetbrains open source project.