local dev
rvm use 3.0.6
rvm gemset use default
rails s -p 3005
show member is checked in on members table
change message on download ratings to tell person to tell person that this takes a while
change message for delete as well
allow ability to mark checkin as paid
ping request to wake up heroku when website is loaded
only allow paid members to show up in table break-out
move table assignment and print options to modals
on checkins page the label numbers are broken
allow setting member back to part time after certain date
speed up download of scores fix download ratings error show download ratings on table break out page
lock and unlock table assignment
print play order on the same table with two columns make it simplycompete generic by storing username and password - DONE
replace checkin notification from modal to "toast"
setup sign up page - Done
add tos and privacy policy - DONE
show members QR code if they already have one. - DONE
add new playing order - DONE
add ladder style table break out
allow uploading pictures and showing pictures as a safety feature
show usatt id, usatt expiration, tournament rating
dont show table number on members page
Allow entering play dates and then access via sms
allow generating reports of play dates
add checkin open/close button
add ability to mass text everyone
add concept of trial
add ability to take payment for software
usatt_number league_rating tournament_rating https://usatt.simplycompete.com/l/details/1017?ori=d upload ratings button - csv - email, usatt_number, rating
print results