- C# repository for computation and visualisation of global optima using a method called Particle Swarm Optimization.
- Code is written in .NET 6.0
class supports implicit plotting for arbitrary 3D functions written in C#- current options are
- current options are
classes are supporting PSO optimization operationsProgram
has command-line-interface and allows running and visualising the whole process
What is Particle Swarm Optimization?
In computational science, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a computational method that optimizes a problem by iteratively trying to improve a candidate solution with regard to a given measure of quality. It solves a problem by having a population of candidate solutions, here dubbed particles, and moving these particles around in the search-space according to simple mathematical formula over the particle's position and velocity. Each particle's movement is influenced by its local best known position, but is also guided toward the best known positions in the search-space, which are updated as better positions are found by other particles. This is expected to move the swarm toward the best solutions. Wikipedia - Particle Swarm Optimization
Input Function
- Input funstion in class
public static double Rastrigin3D(double[] xy){
Rastrigin function in 3D
double x = xy[0] - 30;
double y = xy[1] - 30;
return 0.2* Math.Pow(x, 2) - 50 * Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.PI * x) + 0.2*Math.Pow(y, 2) - 50 * Math.Cos(0.3 * Math.PI * y) + 20;
Following visualisation produced by (more info in CLI Usage):
dotnet run -- --function rastrigin --iteration 100 --verbosity --plot --num-plots 15 --history
Particle swarm optimization of a function.
Outputs global minimum and optionally visualises the process in the browser.
ParticleSwarm6 [options]
-f, --function <function> The function to optimize. Options are: 'rastrigin', 'parabolla', 'saddle'. [default: rastrigin]
-i, --iteration <iteration> The target number of iterations. [default: 100]
-p, --particle <particle> The number of particles in the swarm. [default: 30]
-v, --verbosity The verbosity level. Options are: 'True', 'False', . [default: False]
-t, --plot Whether to plot the optimization process. Options are: 'True', 'False', . [default: False]
-n, --numPlots <numPlots> The number of plots to show. [default: 5]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
Input Command
dotnet run -- --function rastrigin --iteration 100 --verbosity
Initializing swarm of 30 particles
Initializing rastrigin function
Optimization start...
Iteration: 0
Best value: -7.401020265023011
Best position: 28.8170515240461, 29.053994542533445
Iteration: 1
Best value: -32.96320284892921
Best position: 28.932955892282305, 29.237190687893552
Iteration: 2
Best value: -44.05774256297073
Best position: 28.99090807640041, 29.328788760573605
Iteration: 3
Best value: -49.072409107951074
Best position: 29.01988416845946, 29.374587796913634
- a particle has n-dimensional position and velosity (which controls attractive and repulsive forces)
- best position and best value is saved which affects the velocity and global swarm behaviour
- value is updated in each step
public Particle(int dimension){
Constructor for the particle class
dimension: the dimension of the search space
position = new double[dimension];
velocity = new double[dimension];
bestPosition = new double[dimension];
bestValue = double.MaxValue;
value = double.MaxValue;
- swarm is a collection of particles
public Swarm(
int particleCount,
int dimension,
double[] lowerBounds,
double[] upperBounds,
Random random
Constructor for the swarm class
particleCount: the number of particles in the swarm
dimension: the dimension of the search space
lowerBounds: the lower bounds of the search space
upperBounds: the upper bounds of the search space
random: the random number generator
Particles are initialized with random positions and velocities
PSO Algorithm
- The main particle swarm optimization loop in
in simplified version - Firstwall swarm is initialized with defined number of particles
- In every iteration are updated values and positions of particles, changing of velocities attracts particles to global optima in n-dimensional space
Console.WriteLine("Initializing Swarm");
Swarm swarm = new Swarm(num_particles, num_dimensions);
Console.WriteLine("Optimization start...");
for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++){
swarm.UpdateValue(optimizationFunction); // updating values based on optimization functions
swarm.UpdateBest(); // updating best global swarm value
swarm.UpdateVelocity(0.5, 0.01, 0.03, random); // updating velocities based on global and local coefficients
swarm.UpdatePosition(); // updating positions of particles
swarm.UpdateHistory(); // optinally tracking particle history
is the momentum of particle: weight affecting the change of velocity based on previous velocityc1
is local coefficient of the velocity updated based on best position which this particle remembersc2
is global coefficient of the velocity updated based on best position of the whole swarm
particle.velocity[i] =
w * particle.velocity[i]
+ c1 * random.NextDouble() * (particle.bestPosition[i] - particle.position[i])
+ c2 * random.NextDouble() * (bestPosition[i] - particle.position[i]);
Let S be the number of particles in the swarm, each having a position xi ∈ ℝn in the search-space and a velocity vi ∈ ℝn. Let pi be the best known position of particle i and let g be the best known position of the entire swarm. A basic PSO algorithm is then:
for each particle i = 1, ..., S do
Initialize the particle's position with a uniformly distributed random vector: xi ~ U(blo, bup)
Initialize the particle's best known position to its initial position: pi ← xi
if f(pi) < f(g) then
update the swarm's best known position: g ← pi
Initialize the particle's velocity: vi ~ U(-|bup-blo|, |bup-blo|)
while a termination criterion is not met do:
for each particle i = 1, ..., S do
for each dimension d = 1, ..., n do
Pick random numbers: rp, rg ~ U(0,1)
Update the particle's velocity: vi,d ← w vi,d + φp rp (pi,d-xi,d) + φg rg (gd-xi,d)
Update the particle's position: xi ← xi + vi
if f(xi) < f(pi) then
Update the particle's best known position: pi ← xi
if f(pi) < f(g) then
Update the swarm's best known position: g ← pi
├── LICENSE.md
├── ParticleSwarm6
│ ├── Optimizer.cs
│ ├── Particle.cs
│ ├── ParticleSwarm6.csproj
│ ├── Program.cs
│ ├── Swarm.cs
│ ├── bin
│ └── obj
├── README.md
└── assets
├── rastrigin.png
├── rastrigin_pso.gif
└── rastrigin_pso.gif.mp4
- Add the possibility of continuous animation
- Add more functions
- Graphing of loss function
- More PSO options
This repository came into being as a school homework ("zápočtový program" at Charles university Programming II course) and implements the main algorithm from scratch: it not intended nor optimized enough for industrial applications.