Using the same config file
with YouCompleteMe
accurate highlighting is available for c/c++ variables, keywords, functions,
classes and so on.
before color-cpp enabled:
after color-cpp enabled:
- >=Vim8.0(tested on Vim8.1), with
job, timer, python3(better to disable python2)
enabled YouCompleteMe
should be installed with the latest version- Linux system(Ubuntu is suggested)
Assume Plug
plugin manager is used, other plugin manager should be very similar
- put this in you
, AfterYCM
Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
Plug 'minrui-hust/color-cpp.vim'
and use vim command :PlugInstall
to install it
- first install YCM, go to YouCompleteMe folder run:
python3 --clang-completer
if you already have YCM installed, ignore this step
- go to the color-cpp folder, run:
If no error happens, it means succeed, else please refer to FAQ
color-cpp use the same config file as YCM, which is
so the least thing you have to do is to put a
in you project top folder.
The one at server/ is hidden on linux) works perfect with c/c++, for both YCM
and color-cpp
there is only one places you need to modify according to your project:
# set this to the directory which compile_commands.json exist
compilation_database_folder = '/home/mr/Workspace/loc/build'
# set this to the directory which compile_commands.json exist
As you can see, that is the path of compile database file compile_commands.json
created by cmake with -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=yes
Enjoy it!