The CLI tool for Mincong Classroom (mc). It's mainly for auto-grading assignments 🤖
Install Golang:
brew install go
go version
# go version go1.23.3 darwin/arm64
Then build the CLI:
go mod tidy
go build -o dist/mc
mc help
Mincong Classroom (mc) is a command line interface for grading student
assignments in the Software Containerization and Orchestration course.
mc [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
grade Grade assignments
help Help about any command
info Display CLI information
rule List grading rules
team List all teams
-h, --help help for mc
Use "mc [command] --help" for more information about a command.
These are the rules which are part of the auto-grading. If some rules fail to evaluate, it require manual correction later on.
mc rule
L1_JAR: JAR Creation Test (Ex 1.1)
The team is expected to create a JAR manually using a maven command and the
server should start locally under the port 8080.
L1_DKF: Dockerfile Test (Ex 1.2)
The team is expected to create a Dockerfile on the path
"weekend-server/Dockerfile". The Java version should be 21, from the
distribution "eclipse-temurin". The port 8080 should be exposed. Note that
you can expose a container port at runtime even if the port is not specified
with the EXPOSE instruction in the Dockerfile. The EXPOSE instruction is
primarily for documentation purposes and does not control or enforce which
ports are exposed at runtime.
L1_IMG: Docker Image Test (Ex 1.3+)
The team is expected to build a Docker image using one single command. The
inspection should be done locally to verify the image is successfully created
and runnable. This rule includes the exercise 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 as well. This is
a manual verification.
L1_SQL: SQL Init Test (Ex 2.1.2)
The team is expected to complete the SQL script located at the path
"weekend-mysql/init.sql". The script should contain an "INSERT INTO" statement
followed by 7 values, either using VARCHAR or INT as key for the table
"mappings" or a similar table.
L2_MST: Maven Setup Test (Ex 1)
The team is expected to run unit tests with Maven in GitHub Actions on the path
".github/workflows/app.yml". It should contain the keyword "mvn"
L2_RGT: Registry Test (Ex 1)
The team is expected to upload the Docker image to the registry (Dockerhub).
This is the key of the whole lab session. By completing this exercise, it means
that the students were able to define the Dockerfile correctly, build the
Docker image, connect to the Dockerhub, and push the image with the right tag.
Else, teacher (Mincong) should check the steps by breaking it down into
multiple steps. Two kinds of tags are published to the registry, the "latest"
kind and the "commit" kind.
L2_DST: Docker Setup Test (Ex 3)
The team is expected to build a Docker image and publish it to the Docker
registry. The docker login should be done by retrieving the username and
password from the secrets, such as "secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME". This is probably
done using the GitHub Action "docker/login-action" but other approaches are
fine too.
L3_NGY: Nginx Yaml Test (Ex 3)
The team is expected to create a new pod running with Nginx using a kubectl-apply
command. This pod should be reachable using the port 80 and should be named as
"nginx". The manifest should be saved under the path k8s/pod-nginx.yaml
of the Git repository.
L3_JVY: Java Yaml Test (Ex 4)
The team is expected to create a new pod running with Java using a kubectl-apply
command. This pod should be reachable using the port 8080 and should be named as
"weekend-server". The manifest should be saved under the path k8s/pod-weekend-server.yaml
of the Git repository. The HTTP response of the root API (/) should contains the
team and authors. The Docker image should be pulled from the Docker Hub repository
"mincongclassroom/weekend-server-${team}", such as "mincongclassroom/weekend-server-red".
L4_RST: ReplicaSet Test (Ex 1)
The team is expected to create a new ReplicaSet and put the definition under the path
k8s/replicaset-nginx.yaml of the Git repository. Operations should be assessed
manually by the professor.
L4_DPL: Deployment Test (Ex 2)
The team is expected to create a new Deployment and put the definition under the path
k8s/deployment-weekend-server.yaml of the Git repository. Operations should be assessed
manually by the professor.
L4_SVC: Service Test (Ex 3)
The team is expected to create a new Service and put the definition under the path
k8s/deployment-weekend-server.yaml of the Git repository. Operations should be assessed
manually by the professor.