Entity Framework implementation of a generic repository and specifications using AutoMapper. the easy way to use EntityFramework in terms of repositories and organize your queries in an enterprise project.
Use nuget
Install-Package Framework.Data.EF
IRepository<User> repository = new Repository<User>(dbContext);
dbContext is your entity framework Context.
you can then use the repository like this
will return an Array of User as IEnumberable (not IQueriable).
you can read more about spec pattern in this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specification_pattern
1- Create the spec class a simple select by Id class.
public class ById : Specification<User>
public ById(int id)
this.Expression = u => u.Id == id;
2- use the Spec in the repository
repository.Get(new ById(1));
repository.First(new ById(1));
repository.Single(new ById(1));
1- create AutoMapper mapping
refere to the link for more details about automapper http://automapper.org/
2- use the Mapper in the repository
repository.Get<UserDto>(new ById(1));
using(new UnitOfWork(DbContext))
User usr = repository.Single(new ById(1));
using(new UnitOfWork(DbContext))
User usr = new User();
.... // do the changes needed in the using block
using(new UnitOfWork(DbContext))
User usr = repository.Single(new ById(1));
using(new UnitOfWork(DbContext))
repository.Remove(new ById(1));
The Library is ment to be used using Dependency injection, however it can work without it.
You must create a registery for 3 types in your Container 1- Map IRepository to Repository. 2- Map IUnitOfWorkFactory to UnitOfWorkFactory. 3- Map DbContext to your database Context.
make sure to use the same Scope / LifeTimeManager for all the 3 registry.
you can then inject IRpository and IUnitOfWorkFactory from your classes constractor
to create a UnitOfWork you can use the method IUnitOfWorkFactory.Create() in the using block