Is a modular, 100% vanilla js, form inputs group, based on Vue FormKit library.
- Form group inputs
- Modular validation attribute
- Slot space customization (soon)
- Works on any framework
- Basic inputs map
- Basic validation map
- Slot customization
- Custom validations
- Custom input types
- Mask native
- Custom Masks native
- Unit tests
- Extensible style
- Internacionalization
- NPM Package installation
- Plugins
- Validation style and help
- input url - force pattern
- This is not a npm package yet, so clone this repository in your project and import
to your html header;
<form ...>
help="Should be your fullname"
- text
- url
- search
- number
- color
- password
- date
- datetime-local
- select
- radioboxes // multiple
- checkboxes // multiple
- checkbox // unique
- textarea
- required
- minlen:
- maxlen:
- confirm:
- isdate
- isafter:
- isbefore:
- isnumber
- max:
- min:
- in:
- notin:
- startwith:
- endswith:
Inside <head>
tag, import Config
as module before import index.js
and add:
<script type="module" >
import { Config } from '/src/config.js'
Config.registerValidation('custom', {
// Build error message
message: (params, value, values)
=> `The value is ${value} and the param is ${params[0]} and the form values is ${JSON.stringify(values)}`,
// Validate changed input
handle: ({ value, params }) => {
// value is field value | params is array of validation params: "custom:param1:param2 ...."
return true // true if is valid | false if is invalid
<script type="module" src="/src/index.js" defer async></script>
Use your validation on html:
<form-input name="test" type="email" label="Email field" validations="required|custom:param1"></form-input>
Use mask to format output of input texts
<form-input name="test" type="text" mask="(99) 99999-9999" label="Phone field" validations="required">
- S: any character
- A: any letter (A-Za-z)
- 9: any number (0-9)
- pattern: default, let empty mask:type attribute
- currency: add attribute
- number: add attribute
- alpha: add attribute
<form-input name="test" type="text" mask mask:format="currency" label="Money field" >
<form-input name="test" type="text" mask="(99) 9999-9999" unmask label="Money field" >
HTML header example:
- A mask that changes pattern through characters length
<script type="module" >
import { Config } from '/src/config.js'
// See more in VMasker Docs:
Config.registerMask('document', (el, maskInstance, maskInputAttribute) => {
var docMask = ['999.999.999-999', '99.999.999/9999-99'];
var inputHandler = (masks, max, event) => {
var c =;
var v = c.value.replace(/\D/g, '');
var m = c.value.length > max ? 1 : 0;
el.addEventListener('input', inputHandler.bind(undefined, docMask, 14), false);
<script type="module" src="/src/index.js" defer async></script>
HTML Content
<form-input name="test18" type="text" label="Custom mask" mask mask:format="document" validations="required" >
- First: Create a class that implements the template and store
as public variable of form element to receive event handlers - Second: Create a method to trigger error message on the template
export class FormCurrency {
constructor({ el, shadow, internals }) {
this.label = el.getAttribute('label') = el.getAttribute('name')
shadow.innerHTML = `
<div class="wc-form-outer">
<label class="wc-form-label">${this.label} </label>
<div class="wc-form-wrapper">
<div class="wc-form-input-wrapper">
R$ <input class="wc-form-input" type="text" name="${}" />
this.formitem = shadow.querySelector('input');
setError(error) { // false or `string of errors separatelly of <br/>`
console.log('Do anything with error message', error)
Next, import Config
store and import your class. register your new input type:
<script type="module" >
import { Config } from '/src/config.js'
import { FormCurrency } from '/path/of/file/custominput.js'
Config.registerInput('currency', FormCurrency)
<script type="module" src="/src/index.js" defer async></script>
Use your new input on html:
<form-input name="test" type="currency" label="Currency field" ></form-input>