Based on repository:
Google Cloud Function to scrape specified data
Node system to create dynamic crawlers with selector rules only.
Body crawlers:
- on POST body json ( Header Content-Type: application/json)
"name": "example",
"task": {
"url": "", //( string or array of strings)
"schema": {
"title": ".header h1", //string selector that returns element textContent (see puppeteer docs)
"avatar": {
"selector": ".header img[src]", // advanced way
"attr": "src", // OPTIONAL | accept element attributes (see $eval puppeteer docs) ex: href|src|innerHTML
"eq": 0, // OPTIONAL | element array index, in case of array elements found
"trim": true // OPTIONAL | clear data with trim function
"desc": {
"selector":".header h2",
"attr": "innerHTML"
"listItem": ".pages > li",
"data": {
"name": "a"
"example": {
"title": "Page selector text"
"avatar": "http://<link of image>"
"desc": "<div>content of post</div>"
"menu": [
{ "name": "Home" },
{ "name": "Blog" },
{ "name": "Contact" },
{ "name": "..." },
npm install
- Test local your task running ( configure example on server.js )
node server
#Logs GCP log is generated during processes
Additional packages
- lodash
- axios
- puppeteer-core
- chrome-aws-lambda
Based on this blog post: Introducing headless Chrome support in Cloud Functions and App Engine
npm run deploy