Usage decrypt inputfile outputfile
It cannot encrypt the config file because the signatures are missing
It decrypts the encrypted passwords too
the Userpassword is stored as an encrypted string that when decrypted outputs a SHA-1 hash
made from the password and the salt from the config file
To create it
import hashlib
t = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', b'thepassword', b'salt', 1000, 16).hex()
decryption :
Usage decrypt inputfile outputfile
encryption :
Usage encrypt inputfile outputfile
To decode the encrypted passwords
Usage decrypt inputfile outputfile
note that you can only encrypt the config file generated by not because of the decoded passwords
in some cases/routers it decodes all the passwords expect the admin cause the needed IV is different or unknown for that ISP
To manually decrypt passwords
Usage : encryptedstring
the guide which the original script is from