2005-11-01 pre-alpha 1.04 ------------------------- - Add bypass SDRAM test with memvalid, memval2, memval3 before PMMU init (file sdram.S). - Add PCI BIOS (files pci_bios.S and xbios2.S). - Add PCI drivers call, there are a test of the code '_PCI' at 0x00ED0000 for call the init of PCI devices at 0x00ED0004 (128KB), but also at 0x00EC0000 (192KB) and 0x00EB0000 (256KB). - Add Bconout in 256 colors for PCI graphic card (file conout.S). - Removed Atari logo when PCI graphic card is used (file blitter2.S). - Fix page fault (invalid access) with 4MB STRAM cards between the end of the STRAM and the TOS 4.04 EPROM (file pmmu.c). - Fix CPU frequency value in MHz * 10 inside the CT60 cookie (used by the CT60CONF.CPX). - Flush cache during VDI function v_pline because sometimes this function crash the TOS with the SDRAM and the copyback cache (file cache.S).