Very basic nginx webserver in docker container
Basic nginx webserver in a docker container.
In powershell run go.bat
This was tested with windows with docker and powershell.
This batch script does:
- clean up of any existing images and containers (handy when you run the script many times)
- create the nginx image with a Dockerfile
- run the image
- shows the running containers
you can the open a web browser to look at the web page
firefox.exe localhost:<port number>
- pauses, providing an oportnity to Ctrl-C, to end the batch file if you want the container to continue to run
- does a clean up - stopping and removing the container
This may be found in the output from the docker ps command:>80/tcp mynginx3
In this case 32778.
A random port number is asigned from range by docker. This maps the port 80 from inside the container to this external one.
- Wanted to learn how to do this
- Couldn't find any exmaples that showed this level detail
- Hope that someone else will find this useful
- Does not use my nginx.conf file (commented out)
- Not ready for production (no loggings, ssh access via another container etc)
- Lots of configuration commented out
When this becomes relavent... We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
[Deploying nginx with docker] (
Author: mikey-no 2017 (no comerical use)