June 2022 Update: Somewhere between April 2022 and June 15th Microsoft updated the GCC High and DoD clouds to support the native person hover experience. As a result this solution is no longer needed.
Original (now outdated) article content is below with some strike-throughs were applicable:
The default experience within the GCC High and DoD clouds for SharePoint Online does not show a hover card for users. This code repository provides working JSON column formatting to add a useful hover card.
What you see in the Commercial and GCC cloud environments when hovering over a user is something like this:
What you see in the GCC High and DoD cloud environments is...
Well, no hover card at all. And that's what this repo is addressing.
This is an example of what this solution provides:
This is a very simple solution using the column formatting feature of SharePoint which lets you "customize how fields in SharePoint lists and libraries are displayed". This is accomplished by constructing a JSON object that describes the elements and styles that are displayed when a field is shown in a view, and part of this includes the ability to create a custom hover card.
Unfortunately, there are some limitations with this feature. You are unable to:
- Access the phone #, location/office, and most other user profile property values
- Make the text in the hover card selectable/highlightable
- Use URI schemes such as sip: or msteams: to add a "💬 Chat" option
- Use any JavaScript for custom functionality
You have a few options for how you can apply this JSON formatting.
You can apply it to the "Created By" and "Modified By" fields across an entire site collection by browsing to:
For the "Created By" Field
For the "Modified By" Field
- Then scroll down to the Column Formatting section
- Paste in the JSON from the AuthorEditorField.json file
- Ensure Update all list columns is set to Yes, and then click OK
NOTE: You will not be able to use this approach on "NoScript" sites such as the backend SharePoint sites for a Team. You'll need to use Option #2 instead.
- Open the list(s)/library(ies) you want it applied to
- Ensure the field (Created/Modified By) is shown in the view
- Click on the field's header title > Column settings > Format this column
- Click the Advanced mode at the bottom, and overwrite it with the JSON from the AuthorEditorField.json file
- Click the Save button
There's a separate PersonGroupField file to handle the extra complexities that custom Person/Group fields can introduce, such as:
- SharePoint Groups (shows a "View Members" button)
- AD Security Groups
- Office 365 Groups (shows the group's profile pic)
- Multiple entries/selections (shows cards stacked on top of each other)
Please be aware of the following items:
- When the person/group field allows multiple entries it does not provide values for Department or JobTitle
- Rendering Office 365 Group profile pics is handled via OWA and the file is already set with the DoD URL. To use within GCC High change PersonGroupField line 69 from https://webmail.apps.mil (DoD) to https://outlook.office365.us (GCC High)