Tic-Tac-Toe game implemented in Ruby.
- Clone the repository.
- Open a terminal on the containing folder of this project
- run
👤 Michael Threels
- Github: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- LinkedIn :@linkedinhandle
👤 Hasan Kharouf
- Github: @githubhandle
It's game in which two players alternately put Xs and Os in compartments of a figure formed by two vertical lines crossing two horizontal lines and each tries to get a row of three Xs or three Os before the opponent does.
The game is played on a grid that's n squares by n squares. You are a symbol you choose, your friend is another symbol he chooses. Players take turns putting their marks in empty squares. The first player to get n of his/her marks in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) is the winner. When all squares are full, the game is over. If no player has n marks in a row, the game ends in a tie.
- Write first players name and pick a symbol and do the same for the second player
- Pick the size of the board you want to play with (number of rows)
- Choose a number from the grid to mark it with the player's symbol, then it's the turn of the next player to do the same.
- If a player gets n symbols in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner. If all squares are full and none has the n symbols the game ends in a tie.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mikethreels/tic_tac_toe.