Replacement Model and Collection components which interop with the media type application/hal+json.
application/hal+json is a media type for linking based on JSON, you can read more about it here:
MyModel = HAL.Model.extend({
/* usual custom methods and properties go here */
var instance = new MyModel({
_links: {
self: {
href: '/example',
eg: {
href: '/boo'
_embedded: {
foo: {
_links: {
self: {
href: '/embedded'
foo_prop: 'foo_val'
prop: 'val',
other_prop: 'other_val'
instance.url() // #=> '/example'
instance.get('prop') // #=> 'val'
instance.get('_links') // #=> undefined
instance.links // #=> { self: { href: '/example', }, eg: { href: '/boo' } }
The library is written in CoffeeScript. The source files are contained
in the lib directory. If you make changes to these, you can rebuild the
javascript using the command cake compile