An example Azure DevOps Pipeline that will scan a container image and conditionally push the image to an Azure Container Registry based on Image Assessment API policy response.
This pipeline leverages the FCS IaC tool to scan a DevOps repo, Falcon Cloud Security Image Assesment policies and Azure Container Registries to scan container images. Based on the API response the pipeline will conditionally build the image in a registry. By integrating these tools into a pipeline, developers will have the opportunity to address any security issues before deploying updates into their containers.
The provided files can be imported into your ADO environment
- azure-pipelines.yml - pipeline steps
- variables.yaml - defined variables used with the pipeline
Required Service Connections in ADO:
- Azure Resource Manager using service principal
- Docker Registry
Pipeline pre-reqs
Image Assesment Policies
- The pipeline assumes image assesment policies have been defined in Falcon Cloud Security
FCS Tool
- The pipeline assumes the FCS (Falcon Cloud Security CLI for Linux x64) tool has been uploaded to a storage account for consumption by the pipeline steps - (See Tools Downloads in the Falcon Portal)
API Response True - Block Image build
API Response False - Allow Image build