Moonlit is a collection of our model compression work for efficient AI.
ToP (
): Constraint-aware and Ranking-distilled Token Pruning for Efficient Transformer InferenceToP is a constraint-aware and ranking-distilled token pruning method, which selectively removes unnecessary tokens as input sequence pass through layers, allowing the model to improve online inference speed while preserving accuracy.
SpaceEvo (
): SpaceEvo: Hardware-Friendly Search Space Design for Efficient INT8 InferenceSpaceEvo is an automatic method for designing a dedicated, quantization-friendly search space for target hardware. This work is featured on Microsoft Research blog: Efficient and hardware-friendly neural architecture search with SpaceEvo
ElasticViT (
): ElasticViT: Conflict-aware Supernet Training for Deploying Fast Vision Transformer on Diverse Mobile DevicesElasticViT is a two-stage NAS approach that trains a high-quality ViT supernet over a very large search space for covering a wide range of mobile devices, and then searches an optimal sub-network (subnet) for direct deployment.
LitePred (
): LitePred: Transferable and Scalable Latency Prediction for Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture SearchLitePred is a lightweight transferrable approach for accurately predicting DNN inference latency. Instead of training a latency predictor from scratch, LitePred is the first to transfer pre-existing latency predictors and achieve accurate prediction on new edge platforms with a profiling cost of less than 1 hour.