The mercury2_prog
application is a command-line utility for programming the Mercury 2 FPGA board via the onboard FT2232H USB-to-serial adapter. It can currently communicate with the S25FL116K (16Mbit), S25FL132K (32Mbit) and S25FL164K (64Mbit) SPI flash chips.
Port A of the FT2232H is used by this application for configuration. Port B is free for user applications. See the Mercury 2 schematic for a detailed look at how the FT2232H is wired to the FPGA and SPI flash.
prints a help message describing these options-l
lists all visible FTDI devices, and attempts to find Mercury 2 boards-e
erases the entire SPI flash on the Mercury 2-r
reads the entire SPI flash and saves it todump.bit
writes to the SPI flash using the specified file. For example:./mercury2_prog -w test.bit
. (Note that this command will automatically erase the required blocks before writing.)
The mercury2_prog
application is compiled on Linux using make
. This has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 using gcc 7.4.0 and mingw32-gcc-7.3. The build produces two binaries:
- a native x86-64 Linux applicationmercury2_prog.exe
- a cross-compiled x86-64 Windows application
Note that you must sudo apt-get install mingw-tools mingw-w64-tools
to cross-compile for Windows.
$ ./mercury2_prog -w mercury2_blink.bit
| (c) 2019 MicroNova LLC |
| |
Reading bitstream file 'mercury2_blink.bit'
Size is 231.8 kBytes = 237345 bytes = 1898760 bits
928 x 256B pages (927 whole pages + 33 byte remainder)
58 x 4kB sectors (57 whole sectors + 3873 byte remainder)
4 x 64kB blocks (3 whole blocks + 40740 byte remainder)
Reading file...
Checking for FTDI devices...3 FTDI devices found
Device 0:
- Description = 'Mercury FPGA'
- Serial # = '77'
- FTDI Chip = FT232R @ 12Mbps
- Opened = No
Device 1:
- Description = 'Mercury 2 FPGA A'
- Serial # = '100A'
- FTDI Chip = FT2232H @ 480Mbps
- Opened = No
Device 2:
- Description = 'Mercury 2 FPGA B'
- Serial # = '100B'
- FTDI Chip = FT2232H @ 480Mbps
- Opened = No
Found Mercury 2 FPGA board at FTDI device 1.
FTDI device 1 opened successfully.
Configuring FTDI for SPI communication...OK
Found flash: S25FL132K 32Mbit
***** WRITING FLASH *****
Erasing block 3 / 3 = 100.0%
Writing page 927 / 927 = 100.0%
Programming time : 2.019 sec
Effective speed : 114.413 kBytes/sec