A bunch of python scripts to launch experiments for GT paper.
GTExperimentLauncher has been tested with Python 3.5 and 2.7 and it requires the installation of the following external packages:
- paramiko (for ssh connection -required client-side-)
- numpy (for mathematical calculations -required server-side-)
To execute the launcher
execute python GTLauncher.py
. A multiple-choice menu will
appear. From there the user can decide to execute the various phases of the
experiments one by one or all together. In particular, the menu permits to:
- Check the correctness of the
file, which contains the information required to run the exeriments (connection settings, folders, parameters) - Clean the remote folder
- Upload the experiment folder to the server
- Launch the experiments in parallel the UNIX
command is used to launch in parallel several algorithms. When all the experiments are done results are gathered and indexes are calculated - Compress the results and download them in a folder previously defined by the user
This is an example of the properties.ini file used to configure the experiments. The program helps the user to generate it in the correct way, tough.
**[connection settings]**
ip_server = server.domain
username = my_username
password = XXX
**[general settings]**
remote_path = /home/XXX
algo_list = alg2_1, alg2_2
phi_list = 0.3
num_repetitions = 1
max_ni = 100
min_ni = 80
increasing_step = 5
folder_name = GTExperimentLauncher
experiment_name = Exp_name
download_folder = /home/XXX
remote_python_version = 3
The first stable version has been released on 06.07.2016.