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iNaturalistAndroid is an Android app for

Eclipse Setup

From a terminal

cd path/to/your/workspace
git clone [email protected]:inaturalist/iNaturalistAndroid.git

# Get the JAR deps
mkdir iNaturalistAndroid/libs/
cd iNaturalistAndroid/libs/
tar xzvf commons-collections-3.2.1-bin.tar.gz
tar xzvf commons-lang3-3.1-bin.tar.gz
tar xzvf httpcomponents-client-4.1.2-bin.tar.gz
cd ../../

# Get the FacebookSDK
git clone git://
# Remove the file `facebook\libs\android-support-v4.jar` (since we have a newer copy of that file within our iNat project)

# Get the Android-PullToRefresh library
git clone git://

# Get the ActionBarSherlock library
# Extract only the `actionbarsherlock` folder
# Remove the file `actionbarsherlock\libs\android-support-v4.jar` (since we have a newer copy of that file within our iNat project)

# Get the Android Switch Backport library
# Extract only the `library` folder

# Copy the example config file and add your own API keys etc
cp iNaturalistAndroid/res/values/config.xml.example iNaturalistAndroid/res/values/config.xml

From Eclipse

  1. Open menu File / Import...
  2. Choose General / Existing Projects into Workspace
  3. Select root directory as path/to/your/workspace/INaturalistAndroid
  4. Check the INaturalistAndroid project and click Finish
  5. Open menu File / Import...
  6. Choose General / Existing Projects into Workspace
  7. Select root directory as path/to/your/workspace/facebook-android-sdk/facebook
  8. Check the FacebookSDK project and click Finish
  9. Right-click the FacebookSDK project and select Build Path -> Configure Build Path
  10. Make sure that android-support-v4.jar does not appear (remove if so)
  11. Copy the android-support-v4.jar file to your INaturalistAndroid\libs folder (from /android-sdk/extras/android/support/v4)
  12. Add JARs -> Select the INaturalistAndroid project -> libs folder -> android-support-v4.jar
  13. Install Google Play Services SDK (as specified in using the SDK Manager
  14. Copy the google-play-services.jar file to your INaturalistAndroid\libs folder (from /android-sdk/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs)
  15. Add JARs -> Select the INaturalistAndroid project -> libs folder -> google-play-services.jar
  16. Open menu File / Import...
  17. Choose General / Existing Existing Android Code into Workspace
  18. Select root directory as path/to/your/workspace/Android-PullToRefresh/library
  19. Check the library project and click Finish
  20. Open menu File / Import...
  21. Choose General / Existing Android Code into Workspace
  22. Select root directory as path/to/your/workspace/actionbarsherlock
  23. Check the actionbarsherlock project and click Finish
  24. Open menu File / Import...
  25. Choose General / Existing Android Code into Workspace
  26. Select root directory as path/to/your/workspace/android-switch-backport
  27. Check the android-switch-backport project and click Finish
  28. Right-click the iNaturalistAndroid project and select Properties
  29. Go to Android tab
  30. Scroll down to the Library box and click Add
  31. Select the actionbarsherlock , PullToRefresh-library and android-switch-backport projects and press OK
  32. Press OK to close the dialog
  33. Clean and rebuild the entire workspace (all imported projects)

In theory it should build now!


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