#jailhyve Jailed bhyve helper
This is a proof-of-concept to produce a minimum FreeBSD jail for use with the bhyve hypervisor and the scripts to launch the VM.
You are strongly encouraged to run this on a test system or on a nesting hypervisor such as KVM or VMware.
Hard-Coded Variables
The nic is em0 VM IP is
These will be configurable but you probably want to change them for now
A bootable disk image in /jailhyve.raw such as a FreeBSD "VM-IMAGE"
A VNC client to view the VM
sh jailhyve.sh ///
sudo mkdir /tmp/jailhyve sudo sh jailhyve.sh /tmp/jailhyve jailhyve
To launch the jailed virtual machine:
sh /tmp/jailhyve/launch-jailed-vm.sh
Boot and view the VM with a VNC client such as TigerVNC:
bhyve(8) errors are logged to error.log
Run the manual-launch.sh script to verify the non-jailed syntax
The bhyve(8) syntax is not de-duplicated, meaning that if you change it, you will want to change it in three places