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Week 3 of Getting and Cleaning Data course project

This is my run_analysis.R file

If you have the following files in your working directory, and you execute my code, you will end up with tidy data that has both the test and training data, all of the column names, and row names corresponding to the six activities that were tracked.

I am hoping to get time to resubmit after I debug my ddply problem which is preventing me from finishing number 5 from the assignment.

I am at my wit's end. Here is my latest batch of error messages: Michelles-MacBook-Pro-2:pleasework mhapich$ ls run_analysis.R Michelles-MacBook-Pro-2:pleasework mhapich$ git clone Cloning into 'cellphoneData'... remote: Counting objects: 6, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. Unpacking objects: 100% (6/6), done. remote: Total 6 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0) Checking connectivity... done. Michelles-MacBook-Pro-2:pleasework mhapich$ git add run_analysis.R Michelles-MacBook-Pro-2:pleasework mhapich$ git commit -m "my best course project code" [master (root-commit) 51f921b] my best course project code 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+) create mode 100644 run_analysis.R Michelles-MacBook-Pro-2:pleasework mhapich$ git push origin master fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. Michelles-MacBook-Pro-2:pleasework mhapich$ git push fatal: No configured push destination. Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using

git remote add <name> <url>

and then push using the remote name

git push <name>

Michelles-MacBook-Pro-2:pleasework mhapich$ git status On branch master Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) Michelles-MacBook-Pro-2:pleasework mhapich$ git remote add run_analysis.R Michelles-MacBook-Pro-2:pleasework mhapich$


Here is the program I couldn't get added:

This script will do the following:

merge the training and the test sets to create one data set

extract the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement

use descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set

appropriately label the data set with descriptive variable names

creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable

for each activity and each subject from that data set

The desired text files have already been put into the current working directory

using Bash in Terminal

features <- read.table("features.txt", header=FALSE)

reads in a 2x561 table with all variable names

xtest <- read.table("X_test.txt", header=FALSE, sep="")

reads in the test (approx 30% of) data

its dimensions are 2947x561

xtrain <- read.table("X_train.txt", header=FALSE, sep="")

reads in the training (approx 70% of) data

its dimensions are 7352x561

ytest <- read.table("Y_test.txt", header=FALSE)

reads in the activity names (numbers for now) for the test data

its dimensions are 2947x1

ytrain <- read.table("Y_train.txt", header=FALSE)

reads in the activity names (numbers for now) for the training data

its dimensions are 7352x1


creates a new table using the transpose command to make it 561x2

now all of the names are going across in a row to better match up with the data

colnames(xtest) <- featuresColnames[2,]

puts all names across the top of the xtest data

only row 2 has the names

these are the descriptive variable names

required in #4 of the assignment

colnames(xtrain) <- featuresColnames[2,]

puts all names across the top of the xtrain data

only row 2 has the names

this step isn't really necessary since this will

be merged with xtest which already has the appropriate column names

These next 6 lines will change the numbers 1-6

to the activity names 'Walking' through 'Laying'

in the test data

ytest[[1]]<-gsub(1, "Walking", ytest[[1]]) ytest[[1]]<-gsub(2, "Walking_Upstairs", ytest[[1]]) ytest[[1]]<-gsub(3, "Walking_Downstairs", ytest[[1]]) ytest[[1]]<-gsub(4, "Sitting", ytest[[1]]) ytest[[1]]<-gsub(5, "Standing", ytest[[1]]) ytest[[1]]<-gsub(6, "Laying", ytest[[1]])

These next 6 lines will change the numbers 1-6

to the activity names 'Walking' through 'Laying'

in the training data

ytrain[[1]]<-gsub(1, "Walking", ytrain[[1]]) ytrain[[1]]<-gsub(2, "Walking_Upstairs", ytrain[[1]]) ytrain[[1]]<-gsub(3, "Walking_Downstairs", ytrain[[1]]) ytrain[[1]]<-gsub(4, "Sitting", ytrain[[1]]) ytrain[[1]]<-gsub(5, "Standing", ytrain[[1]]) ytrain[[1]]<-gsub(6, "Laying", ytrain[[1]])

xtest<-cbind(ytest,xtest) colnames(xtest)[1] <- "Activity.Type"

this adds the activity types, previously the ytest data of 1-6

as the first column of the data frame

and names the column Activity.Type

xtrain<-cbind(ytrain,xtrain) colnames(xtrain)[1] <- "Activity.Type"

this adds the activity types, previously the ytest data of 1-6

as the first column of the data frame

and names the column Activity.Type

again...this column name is not necessary since in the next part,

the two data frames will be put together

allmerged <- rbind(xtest,xtrain)

this merges both files together

its dimensions are 10299 x 562

(the extra column came from the activity type)

this was the correct number of observations as reported on the phone data website

given at the beginning of the program assignment description is tidy data :)

for (i in 2:562) { meansAndSds <- ddply(allmerged, .(Activity.Type), mean_data = mean(allmerged[,i])) }


Week 3 of Getting and Cleaning Data course project






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