This project is not maintained anymore, and Angular has made PWA support much easier in V6. Check this guide:
Lightweight starter 'ng new' with added app shell features (sw-precache, web app manifest).
Based on the excellent article by Houssein Djirdeh on PWAs. Check out his working PWA for hackernews here: Huge kudos!
4+ versions of Angular are likely to incorporate all of these features. Until then, this is intended to be an upgraded ng new <project-name>
This is without ng eject
! Ejecting the webpack config provides with much deeper customisation, but that is not the scope of this starter kit.
# ng -v
_ _ ____ _ ___
/ \ _ __ __ _ _ _| | __ _ _ __ / ___| | |_ _|
/ △ \ | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | '__| | | | | | |
/ ___ \| | | | (_| | |_| | | (_| | | | |___| |___ | |
/_/ \_\_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_|\__,_|_| \____|_____|___|
@angular/cli: 1.0.0
node: 7.7.0
os: win32 x64
@angular/common: 4.0.1
@angular/compiler: 4.0.1
@angular/core: 4.0.1
@angular/forms: 4.0.1
@angular/http: 4.0.1
@angular/platform-browser: 4.0.1
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic: 4.0.1
@angular/router: 4.0.1
@angular/cli: 1.0.0
@angular/compiler-cli: 4.0.1
Create a build and the service workers required with npm run build
TODO: add sw-toolbox
and investigate angular-universal