A Python CLI/terminal application which cycles through a scriptural Rosary. Displayed text content is provided by a .json file.
Scripture quotes are taken from usccb.org. Text readings are stored within the
file. -
Visual UI/UX layout based on jq-tput-terminal.
Light weight (lighter and less complicated than my other rosary apps)
- I did make a modular-version of this same app, just for jollies and compartmentalization of imported python library packages.
import os ## computer control
import curses ## cli ui
import json ## json parse
import datetime ## sys clock
import textwrap ## wrapping sentence strings
import platform ## identify which python version
There are some differences between Python v2.x and Python v3.x regarding parsing .json
, so I included both techniques within the code.
## Linux package
sudo apt-get install python-pip python3 python3-pip
## python package
pip install term
## Linux package
sudo pacman -S --needed python python2
## python package
pip install term
I just use Python 2.7.x from python.org, but it also works on the latest Python 3.7.x
For runtime convenience, install "with environment variables" selected.
Install curses library:
## python package
pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install windows-curses
distutils, python3
pyinstaller, linux
py2exe, win10