This is one of my E-commerce API app implementations. It is written in python, using Django and DRF as the main frameworks. This is not a finished project by any means, but it has a valid enough shape to be git cloned and studied if you are interested in this topic. If you are interested in this project take a look at my other server API implementations I have made with:
- Node Js + Sequelize
- Node Js + Bookshelf
- Node Js + Mongoose
- Django
- Flask
- Java Spring Boot + Hibernate
- Golang go-gonic
- Ruby on Rails
- AspNet Core
- AspNet MVC
- Laravel
I have mass of projects to deal with so I make some copy/paste around, if something I say is missing or is wrong, then I apologize and you may let me know opening an issue.
- Git clone the project
- In windows run reset_all.ps1, in linux, or take line by line and execute them yourself in your terminal window,
please notice that I run
in that script because this is how I set up my pc, but if your default python 3 is accessible withpython
then change it. This script is used to remove any migrations if any, remove the sqlite db if any, create the db and then migrate. At the end of this step you have a db.sqlite3.
- Improve error messages, for example when commenting a product without a being authenticated the error structur is misleading, errors has to be a json object not a string.
- The short url for comments, does not seem to work, /comments/:id does not work, but /products/:slug/comments/:pk does ... hum, fix it
- Security:
- Secure file upload
- Secure all user input
- then run server with
python3 runserver 8080
It is convenient to use port 8080 because all the requests made in postman are using that port, the postman file isapi.postman_collection.json
, you can import it and test the requests by yourself -)
- Authentication / Authorization
- Paging
- Products, Orders, OrderItems, Addresses, Custom User model, Tags, Categories, Comments, TimestampedModel, FileUpload(Polymorphic)
- Products associated to images, file upload without any 3party package
- CRUD operations on products, comments, tags, categories
- Orders, guest users may place an order
- middlewares
- authentication
- authorization
Django ORM
- associations: hasMany, belongsTo, belongsToMany
- scopes
- complex queries
- paging
- eager loading, select columns
seed data with python-faker
- project structure
- Django framework
- Django rest framework
- django-rest-framework-jwt
- Django ORM Cookbook IMO, the best Django ORM Resource.
- django-polymorphic FileUpload, ProductImage, TagImage, CategoryImage are implemented using this package