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feat: add table format to help section
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
abbreviate repo name if too long; show relative time under 24h; move unread_symbol to the first field
  • Loading branch information
LangLangBart committed Mar 9, 2024
1 parent 01940ba commit 5a69cb7
Show file tree
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Showing 2 changed files with 92 additions and 42 deletions.
121 changes: 79 additions & 42 deletions gh-notify
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,8 +88,17 @@ ${WHITE_BOLD}Key Bindings fzf${NC}
${GREEN}ctrl+x ${NC} write a comment with the editor and quit
${GREEN}esc ${NC} quit
${WHITE_BOLD}Table Format${NC}
${GREEN}1. Unread Symbol${NC} Indicates if the notification is read or unread.
${GREEN}2. Time ${NC} The time when the notification was updated.
${GREEN}3. Repo ${NC} The repository related to the notification.
${GREEN}4. Type ${NC} The type of the notification, e.g. Issue, Release, …
${GREEN}5. Number ${NC} The number associated with the notification.
${GREEN}6. Reason ${NC} The reason why the user received the notification.
${GREEN}7. Description ${NC} A brief description of the notification.
# Display the last 20 notifications
${DARK_GRAY}# Display the last 20 notifications${NC}
gh notify -an 20
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,42 +138,67 @@ get_notifs() {
printf >&2 "." # "marching ants" because sometimes this takes a bit.
# Use '-F/--field' to pass a variable that is a number, Boolean, or null. Use '-f/--raw-field' for other variables.
# Use '-F/--field' to pass a variable that is a number, Boolean, or null. Use '-f/--raw-field'
# for other variables.
# Playground to test jq:
gh api --header "$GH_REST_API_VERSION" --method GET notifications --cache=0s \
--field per_page="$local_page_size" --field page="$page_num" \
--field participating="$only_participating_flag" --field all="$include_all_flag" \
--jq \
'def colors:
$'def colors:
"cyan": "\u001b[36m",
"cyan_bold": "\u001b[1;36m",
"gray": "\u001b[90m",
"magenta": "\u001b[35m",
"blue": "\u001b[34m",
"white_bold": "\u001b[1;37m",
"reset": "\u001b[0m"
def colored(text; color):
colors[color] + text + colors.reset;
.[] | {
updated_short: .updated_at | fromdateiso8601 | strftime("%Y-%m"),
full_name: .repository.full_name,
# UTC time ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
iso8601: now | strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),
thread_id: .id,
thread_state: (if .unread then "UNREAD" else "READ" end),
comment_url: .subject.latest_comment_url | tostring | split("/") | last,
timefmt: colored(.updated_at | fromdateiso8601 | strflocaltime("%d/%b %H:%M"); "gray"),
owner: colored(.repository.owner.login; "cyan"),
name: colored(; "cyan_bold"),
type: .subject.type,
reason: colored(.reason; "blue"),
repo_full_name: .repository.full_name,
unread_symbol: colored((if .unread then "\u25cf" else "\u00a0" end);"magenta"),
# make sure each outcome has an equal number of fields separated by spaces
timefmt: colored(((.updated_at | fromdateiso8601) as $time_sec |
# difference is less than one hour
if ((now - $time_sec) / 3600) < 1 then
((now - $time_sec) / 60 | floor) | tostring + "min ago"
# difference is less than 24 hours
elif ((now - $time_sec) / 3600) < 24 then
((now - $time_sec) / 3600 | floor) | tostring + "h ago"
$time_sec | strflocaltime("%d/%b %H:%M")
end); "gray"),
owner_abbreviated: colored(
(if (.repository.owner.login | length) > 11 then
(.repository.owner.login | .[0:10]) + "…"
end); "cyan"),
name_abbreviated: colored(
(if ( | length) > 16 then
( | .[0:15]) + "…"
end); "cyan_bold"),
type: colored(.subject.type;"white_bold"),
# Some infos have to be pulled from this URL in later steps, so no string modifications.
url: .subject.url | tostring,
unread_symbol: colored((if .unread then "\u25cf" else "\u00a0" end);"magenta"),
reason: colored(.reason; "gray"),
title: .subject.title
} | ["updated:>=\(.updated_short) repo:\(.full_name)", .iso8601, .thread_id, .thread_state, .comment_url, .timefmt, "\(.owner)/\(.name)", .type, .reason, .url, .unread_symbol, .title ] | @tsv'
} | [
.updated_short, .iso8601, .thread_id, .thread_state, .comment_url, .repo_full_name,
.unread_symbol, .timefmt, "\(.owner_abbreviated)/\(.name_abbreviated)", .type, .url,
.reason, .title
] | @tsv'

print_notifs() {
Expand All @@ -180,11 +214,13 @@ print_notifs() {
page_num=$((page_num + 1))
echo "$page" | while IFS=$'\t' read -r qualifier iso8601 thread_id thread_state comment_url timefmt repo type reason url unread_symbol title number; do
echo "$page" | while IFS=$'\t' read -r updated_short iso8601 thread_id thread_state \
comment_url repo_full_name unread_symbol timefmt repo_abbreviated type url reason \
title number; do
if grep -q "Discussion" <<<"$type"; then
number=$(gh api graphql --cache=100h --raw-field filter="$title in:title $qualifier" \
--raw-field query="$graphql_query_discussion" --jq ' | .[].number') ||
number="#$(gh api graphql --cache=100h --raw-field filter="$title in:title updated:>=$updated_short repo:$repo_full_name" \
--raw-field query="$graphql_query_discussion" --jq ' | .[].number')" ||
die "Failed GraphQL discussion query."
elif ! grep -q "^null" <<<"$url"; then
if grep -q "Commit" <<<"$type"; then
Expand All @@ -203,9 +239,10 @@ print_notifs() {
printf "\n%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%b%s%b %s\t%s\n" \
"$iso8601" "$thread_id" "$thread_state" "$comment_url" "$timefmt" \
"$repo" "$type" "$reason" "$GREEN" "$number" "$NC" "$unread_symbol" "$title"
printf "\n%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%b%s%b\t%s \t%s\n" \
"$iso8601" "$thread_id" "$thread_state" "$comment_url" "$repo_full_name" \
"$unread_symbol" "$timefmt" "$repo_abbreviated" "$type" "$GREEN" "$number" \
"$NC" "$reason" "$title"
) || die "Something went wrong"
Expand All @@ -222,9 +259,9 @@ print_notifs() {
if [[ -z $result && $SHLVL -gt $NESTED_START_LVL ]]; then
# TODO: exit fzf automatically if the list is empty after a reload
# it does work with '--bind "zero:become:"', but this only came with version '0.40.0'
# workaround, since fzf hides the first elements with '--with-nth 5..'
# workaround, since fzf hides the first elements with '--with-nth 6..'
# if the list is empty on a reload, the message would be hidden, so ' \b' (backspace) is added
echo -e " \b \b \b \b$FINAL_MSG"
echo -e " \b \b \b \b \b$FINAL_MSG"
echo "$result"
Expand All @@ -244,57 +281,57 @@ highlight_output() {

open_in_browser() {
local comment_number date time repo type number unhashed_num
IFS=' ' read -r _ _ _ comment_number date time repo type _ number _ <<<"$1"
local comment_number date time repo_full_name type number unhashed_num
IFS=' ' read -r _ _ _ comment_number repo_full_name _ date time _ type number _ <<<"$1"
unhashed_num=$(tr -d "#" <<<"$number")
case "$type" in
"$python_executable" -m webbrowser "${repo}/actions"
"$python_executable" -m webbrowser "${repo_full_name}/actions"
gh browse "$number" --repo "$repo"
gh browse "$number" --repo "$repo_full_name"
"$python_executable" -m webbrowser "${repo}/discussions/${number}"
"$python_executable" -m webbrowser "${repo_full_name}/discussions/${unhashed_num}"
Issue | PullRequest)
if [[ $comment_number == "$unhashed_num" || $comment_number == null ]]; then
gh issue view "$number" --web --repo "$repo"
gh issue view "$number" --web --repo "$repo_full_name"
"$python_executable" -m webbrowser "${repo}/issues/${unhashed_num}#issuecomment-${comment_number}"
"$python_executable" -m webbrowser "${repo_full_name}/issues/${unhashed_num}#issuecomment-${comment_number}"
Pre-release | Release)
gh release view "$number" --web --repo "$repo"
gh release view "$number" --web --repo "$repo_full_name"
gh repo view --web "$repo"
gh repo view --web "$repo_full_name"

view_notification() {
local all_comments date time repo type number
local all_comments date time repo_full_name type number
if [ "$1" = "--all_comments" ]; then
IFS=' ' read -r _ _ _ _ date time repo type _ number _ <<<"$1"
IFS=' ' read -r _ _ _ _ repo_full_name _ date time _ type number _ <<<"$1"
printf "[%s %s - %s]\n" "$date" "$time" "$type"
case "$type" in
gh api --header "$GH_REST_API_VERSION" --cache=24h \
--method GET "repos/$repo/commits/$number" --jq '.files[].patch' | highlight_output
--method GET "repos/$repo_full_name/commits/$number" --jq '.files[].patch' | highlight_output
# use the '--comments' flag only if 'all_comments' exists and is not null
gh issue view "$number" --repo "$repo" ${all_comments:+"--comments"}
gh issue view "$number" --repo "$repo_full_name" ${all_comments:+"--comments"}
gh pr view "$number" --repo "$repo" ${all_comments:+"--comments"}
gh pr view "$number" --repo "$repo_full_name" ${all_comments:+"--comments"}
Pre-release | Release)
gh release view "$number" --repo "$repo"
gh release view "$number" --repo "$repo_full_name"
printf "Seeing the preview of a %b%s%b is not supported.\n" "$WHITE_BOLD" "$type" "$NC"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,7 +367,7 @@ select_notif() {
"-+X" # reset screen clearing prevention

local output expected_key selected_line repo type num
local output expected_key selected_line repo_full_name type num
# make functions available in child processes
# 'SHELL="$(which bash)"' is needed to use exported functions when the default shell
# is not bash
Expand All @@ -351,8 +388,8 @@ select_notif() {
--bind "change:first" \
--bind "ctrl-a:execute-silent(mark_all_read {})+reload:print_notifs || true" \
--bind "ctrl-b:execute-silent:open_in_browser {}" \
--bind "ctrl-d:toggle-preview+change-preview:if grep -q PullRequest <<<{9}; then gh pr diff {10} --repo {8} | highlight_output; else view_notification {}; fi" \
--bind "ctrl-p:toggle-preview+change-preview:if grep -q PullRequest <<<{9}; then gh pr diff {10} --patch --repo {8} | highlight_output; else view_notification {}; fi" \
--bind "ctrl-d:toggle-preview+change-preview:if grep -q PullRequest <<<{10}; then gh pr diff {11} --repo {5} | highlight_output; else view_notification {}; fi" \
--bind "ctrl-p:toggle-preview+change-preview:if grep -q PullRequest <<<{10}; then gh pr diff {11} --patch --repo {5} | highlight_output; else view_notification {}; fi" \
--bind "ctrl-r:reload:print_notifs || true" \
--bind "ctrl-t:execute-silent(mark_individual_read {})+reload:print_notifs || true" \
--bind "enter:execute:view_notification --all_comments {} | less ${less_args[*]} >/dev/tty" \
Expand All @@ -373,15 +410,15 @@ select_notif() {
--print-query \
--prompt "GitHub Notifications > " \
--reverse \
--with-nth 5..
--with-nth 6..
# actions that close fzf are defined below
# 1st line ('--print-query'): the input query string
# 2nd line ('--expect'): the actual key
# 3rd line: the selected line when the user pressed the key
expected_key="$(sed '1d;3d' <<<"$output")"
selected_line="$(sed '1d;2d' <<<"$output")"
IFS=' ' read -r _ thread_id thread_state _ _ _ repo type _ num _ <<<"$selected_line"
IFS=' ' read -r _ thread_id thread_state _ repo_full_name _ _ _ _ type _ num _ <<<"$selected_line"
[[ -z $type ]] && exit 0
case "$expected_key" in
Expand All @@ -391,7 +428,7 @@ select_notif() {
if grep -qE "Issue|PullRequest" <<<"$type"; then
gh issue comment "$num" --repo "$repo"
gh issue comment "$num" --repo "$repo_full_name"
printf "Writing comments is only supported for %bIssues%b and %bPullRequests%b.\n" "$WHITE_BOLD" "$NC" "$WHITE_BOLD" "$NC"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -508,7 +545,7 @@ gh_notify() {
# remove unimportant elements from the static display
# '[[:blank:]]' matches horizontal whitespace characters (spaces/ tabs)
echo "$notifs" | sed -E 's/^([^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+){4}//'
echo "$notifs" | sed -E 's/^([^[:blank:]]+[[:blank:]]+){5}//'

Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,20 @@ gh notify [Flags]
| <kbd>ctrl</kbd><kbd>x</kbd> | write a comment with the editor and quit |
| <kbd>esc</kbd> | quit |

### Table Format

| Field | Description |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| 1. Unread Symbol | Indicates if the notification is read or unread. |
| 2. Time | The time when the notification was updated. |
| 3. Repo | The repository related to the notification. |
| 4. Type | The type of the notification, e.g. Issue, Release. |
| 5. Number | The number associated with the notification. |
| 6. Reason | The reason why the user received the notification. |
| 7. Description | A brief description of the notification. |


## Customizations

### Fuzzy Finder (fzf)
Expand Down

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