This project can run Volatility against a memory images and output the results to Graylog. The mechanism for parsing and sending the results to Graylog is contained in the vol2log
folder and was originally obtained from
- Volatility install
- Graylog with HTTP Gelf Input set up
vol2graylog -d /path/to/output/directory -i /path/to/image -g -p 12201 -v host
: path to directory where Volatility results will be outputed and read from.-i
: path to memory images to be analyzed-g
: IP of Graylog instance-p
: Port of listening HTTP Gelf Input in Graylog-v
: Name of the host of mem image (to be assigned assource
in Graylog)
The following are the plugins currently supported:
- malfind
- connscan
- pslist
- netscan
- dlllist
- getsids
- userassist
- psscan
- ldrmodules
- psxview
- modscan
- apihooks
- svcscan
I am currently working on testing and adding more. All plugins are included in the
script by default. I plan to add instructions on how to add plugins both to the program as a whole and how to adjust the script to run only plugins you are interested in.