Link to demo video of the project :
- React, JS, NodeJS, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, GIT
Fully functional frontend + backend
- Everything saved to SQL database and fetched from there when needed
User authentication
- You can register a new account
- You can login to an account
- You can log out
- Your token is automatically refreshed from the server if the token is valid
Management tools (only accessible to moderators & administrators)
- Moderators and administrators get unread messages (that are sent via Contact Form) to /profile/unreadMessages page
- They can then archive these messages by clicking the archive button
- New products can be added in /profile/productControlPanel
- You can submit title, price, details and any image
- Moderators and administrators get unread messages (that are sent via Contact Form) to /profile/unreadMessages page
- Products categorized by attribute (trending/interesting/most_viewed) in database and shown in corresponding category
- You can search for products with a keyword
- You can add and delete products as moderator/administrator
- When clicking on a product it takes you to the page showing the product
- Decent looking UI
- Responsive
- Toasts that tell you if action was successful or not.
Shopping cart
- Shows all products in your cart
- You can delete items from a cart as well as empty the whole cart
- It shows you total of products in the cart as well as the total price
Customer Service
- There are FAQ, Contact Form and About us tabs in the Customer Service
- In the contact form you can submit a form which then gets saved to database and can be viewed by moderators & administrators
- There are FAQ, Contact Form and About us tabs in the Customer Service