Express server middleware to log requests and responses in the HTTP Types format.
Install via npm:
npm install @meeshkanml/express-middleware
Add this middleware before adding routes, otherwise it won't work.
const mw, { LocalFileSystemTransport } = require("@meeshkan/express-middleware");
// Add custom transports with signature
// `type HttpExchangeTransport = (httpExchange: HttpExchange) => Promise<void>;`
// Here `HttpExchange` is defined in `ts-http-types`
const customTransport = async httpExchange => {
console.log("Got http exchange", httpExchange);
// Add middleware
transports: [
// add routes
Install dependencies:
$ yarn
Run tests:
$ yarn test
Compile TypeScript:
$ yarn compile
Publish package:
$ yarn publish --access public
Push git tags:
$ TAG=v`cat package.json | grep version | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\"" } { print $4 }'`
$ git tag -a $TAG -m $TAG
$ git push origin $TAG