An Actigraph Authorizer for the requests python HTTP library including a client that wraps the calls for the Actigraph Study and Subject API.
You will need a secret and access keypair provided by Actigraph.
The ActigraphAuth authorized manages all the request signing and can be used with the requests library:
>>> import requests
>>> from actigraph import ActigraphAuth
>>> auth = ActigraphAuth("", "access_key", "secret_key")
>>> requests.get("", auth=auth, verify=False)
<Response [200]>
Note that verify=False is required for SSL because the (valid) root cert used to sign the Actigraph certificate is not in requests' cache of root certs.
You can also use the ActigraphClient class which is a wrapper around the Actigraph URL's:
>>> from actigraph import ActigraphClient
>>> ac = ActigraphClient("", "access_key", "secret_key")
>>> result = ac.get_all_studies()
>>> result.json()
[{u'DateCreated': u'2014-05-28T21:12:36Z', u'Id': 21, u'Name': u'Demo Study'}]
>>> result.status_code
>>> result.request.url
The return from all getXXX calls from the client is a request object.
The Actigraph system returns results as JSON so the .json() method of the resulting request object is the most interesting.
$ pip install actigraph
$ pip install git+git://
- requests