live link (
● This application is like Trello.
● Boards can be made like a Trello. If the name of the board is wrong it can
be changed and then it can be removed if the board needs to be
● The list can be added to the board. If the title is incorrect when added to
the list, it can be changed. Adding a list to the wrong board can add a list
from one board to another. You can copy the board list more than once if
you wish. If you wish, you can delete the list.
● You can add tasks to the list if you want. Again, if you want, you can
change the task, and if you want, you can drag it from one list to another.
If you wish, the same work can be copied to another list. Finally, you can
delete it.
● Technology used: React.js,React-Redux,React Router v6,React
Beautiful dnd,Html5,Css3,Tailwindcss