A modification of Brendan Weibrecht's Echo360 JS download tool.
- Install the DownThemAll file downloader addon in Firefox.
- Copy and paste the code below into the "Location" of a new bookmark.
javascript:function getScript(t,e){var o=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],a=!1,c=document.createElement("script");c.src=t,c.onload=c.onreadystatechange=function(){a||this.readyState&&"loaded"!=this.readyState&&"complete"!=this.readyState||(a=!0,e())},o.appendChild(c)}getScript("https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js",function(){getScript("https://cdn.rawgit.com/mdchia/echo360-download-tool/573d7667/echo360-download-tool.js",function(){})});
- Access the Echo360 page for your course.
- Right-click the center of the page and click "This Frame" > "Show only this frame"
- Click the bookmark you made and wait until it gives you an alert.
- Right-click the page and select "DownThemAll!..."
- Use DownThemAll! with renaming mask
to download the videos with the correct filenames (see screenshot below)
If you close the Echo360 page or click on a link in that tab that takes you to a new page, you'll have to start again
You may have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the course list if you want to download the earliest echoes
If you want to run this again to download only new videos, set the destination in DownThemAll! to that which contains the first set of videos, and when it starts, will prompt you what to do -- just choose to automatically skip all existing files for the current session