This is a README for the SNP likelihood calculation for the Haplotype Reference Consortium (Release 1) using the htslib versions of samtools/bcftools.
Download and install this tagged (rc8) version of samtools/bcftools/htslib
git clone --recursive git:// hrc-release1 cd hrc-release1 make
Run samtools mpileup on your cohort (or multi-cohort) BAM files to generate BCF2 files. These should be the BAM files associated with all the samples submitted to the project in the haplotype VCFs. The VCF
(md5sum : 78952ae50b90cb4707579cee7a3adaa5
) in the union site list currently only available within the project.The command can be split into multiple jobs for non-overlapping chunks across the genome. For a particular chunk,
samtools/samtools mpileup -IE -C50 -d$MAXDEPTH -t DP,DP4 -l wgs.union.sites.breakMultiAC2.vcf.gz -g -r $CHROM:$FROM-$TO -f $REF -b $BAMLIST > $CHROM:$FROM-$TO.$COHORT.bcf bcftools/bcftools index $CHROM:$FROM-$TO.$COHORT.bcf
$CHROM=chromosome $FROM=start position $END=end position $REF=GRCh37 reference fasta file used to align the BAM files, e.g. hs37d5.fa or human_g1k_v37.fasta $MAXDEPTH=Maximum depth per-BAM file. Should be adjusted depending on your coverage and if you have BAMs merged across multiple samples. Generally should be set to at least 10x the depth in your highest coverage input BAM. $BAMLIST=file listing location of input BAM files. One file per-line
Positions are 1-based, so chunking
into 1Mbp chunks would look like20:1-1000000
, ...,20:63000001-63025520
. File1Mbp-chunks.txt
could be used to generate the commands:awk '{print "samtools/samtools mpileup -IE -C50 -d$MAXDEPTH -t DP,DP4 -l wgs.union.sites.breakMultiAC2.vcf.gz -g -r $0 -f $REF -b $BAMLIST > $0.$COHORT.bcf"}' 1Mbp-chunks.txt
If you want to generate BCF one sample at a time, then chunking is not necessary and the command would be:
samtools/samtools mpileup -IE -C50 -d$MAXDEPTH -t DP,DP4 -l wgs.union.sites.breakMultiAC2.vcf.gz -g -f $REF $SAMPLE_BAM > $SAMPLE.bcf bcftools/bcftools index $SAMPLE.bcf
If you generate per-sample BCF, skip step (3).
If you chunked in step (2), concat your chunks together with
bcftools concat
:bcftools/bcftools concat -Ob -f $CHROM.$COHORT.concat.list > $CHROM.$COHORT.bcf bcftools/bcftools index $CHROM.$COHORT.bcf
is a file listing the coordinate-sorted chunked BCF files (one file per-line) from step (2) for a particular chromosome and cohort. One can create this list withls $CHROM:*.$COHORT.bcf | sort -V > $CHROM.$COHORT.concat.list
If your list of files is not coordinate-sorted, then include option
in the concat command. -
Compare the sample names with the sample names in the haplotype VCFs that were submitted. The sample names in the BCF header can be queried with:
bcftools/bcftools query -l $CHROM.$COHORT.bcf
If the sample names are not the same, please fix here or provide a map of the sample IDs.
bcftools/bcftools view -h $CHROM.$COHORT.bcf > old_header.vcf ** map sample names to make new header ** > new_header.vcf (cat new_header.vcf ; bcftools/bcftools view -H $CHROM.$COHORT.bcf) | bcftools/bcftools view -Ob > $CHROM.$COHORT.new_header.bcf
Submit your cohort likelihood BCFs.
ONLY FOR CENTRAL ANALYSIS. Once all likelihood BCFs for all cohorts are in, we will merge with the following:
bcftools/bcftools norm -Ou -m+ wgs.union.sites.breakMultiAC2.vcf.gz | bcftools/bcftools query -f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF,%ALT\n' | htslib/bgzip -c > wgs.union.sites.AC2.alleles.gz htslib/tabix -p vcf wgs.union.sites.AC2.alleles.gz bcftools/bcftools merge -Ou -i DP:sum,I16:sum,QS:sum $CHROM.*.bcf | bcftools/bcftools call -Ou -mAC alleles -f GQ,GP -T wgs.union.sites.AC2.alleles.gz | bcftools/bcftools norm -Ob -m- > $CHROM.bcf