This Quarto extension is a personalized version of malcolmbarrett's kakashi-quarto-theme, which
copies ideas from many other xaringan themes, including metropolis and lucy, but is ultimately unique. That is why this CSS (copy shinobi style) is called kakashi, after the copy ninja.
malcolmbarrett's kakashi-quarto-theme is also based on:
- Alison Hill's adaptation of Yihui Xie's xaringan theme
- Bea Milz's R-Ladies Quarto theme
- Emil Hvitfeldt's nes theme.
- Marking text as italics (*) will turn it blue, bold (**) will turn it orange, and striking out (~~) will turn it grey.
- Bullets are automatically grayed-out when you increment through them.
This Quarto extension can be installed with:
quarto install extension mclevey/kakashi-quarto-theme
After you install the template, create a new directory with the necessary file files:
quarto use template mclevey/kakashi-quarto-theme
If you want to use the theme across a project, install the theme in the root directory and set up a Quarto project.