Repo for cpp astar algorithm, based on the implementation from swarm & chronos.
Need to include the cps repo for MultiQueue and BucketMultiQueue.
includes the cps repo by current_directory/../cps/include
, modify the path if needed.
# after cloning the astar repo and cps repo
# in the build folder, run astar like so,
# arguments must follow this order
./astar <inFile> [startNode endNode qType threadNum queueNum batchPop batchPush delta bucketNum printFull]
# to run the experiments
# run astar with default arguments on croatia
./astar croatia.bin
# run astar serial
./astar croatia.bin 0 320970 Serial
# run astar with MultiQueue and 16 threads
./astar croatia.bin 0 320970 MQ 16
# run astar with BucketMQ, 16 threads, 64 queues, batchsizes of 4, delta of 11 and 64 buckets per bucket queue
./astar croatia.bin 0 320970 MQBucket 16 64 4 4 11 64
outputs a path.txt
that prints the path from startNode
to targetNode
To verify the output of a {map, startNode, targetNode}
# 1. run the configuration with `Serial` type
# this outputs a correct path.txt with the final distances of the path
./astar <map> <startNode> <targetNode> Serial
# 2. save the outputted path file with a different name
mv path.txt mapName.txt
# 3. run the configuration with the desired type and threads, etc
./astar <map> <startNode> <targetNode> <desiredType> <threadNum>
# 4. compare the path and distances
diff path.txt mapName.txt