A personal blog by Irfan Maulana built with Nuxt.js
See may latest Blog-3.0
Raw file in this vectr.com link
Homepage | Post Detail |
- Support AMP
- Support PWA
- Support english and bahasa Indonesia for posts
- Generate RSS Feed and Sitemap.xml
- Save as draft before publish
- Support adding categories for each post
- Support for sponsored post
- Lazy load image in post page using VueTinyLazyloadImg
- Form for subscriber using NetlifyForm
- Like and page view using Firebase real-time DB
- Syntax highlighting using Prism.js
We use Firebase
Real Time Database, so you need to create file .env
before running this project in your local.
FIREBASE_API_KEY= your firebase `apiKey` config
FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN= your firebase `authDomain` config
FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL= your firebase `databaseURL` config
FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID= your firebase `projectId` config
FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET= your firebase `storageBucket` config
FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID= your firebase `messagingSenderId` config
Create DB in Firebase Database with your own name, and import from file firebase-db-export.json
in this project.
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# generate static project
$ yarn generate
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout Nuxt.js docs.
Copyright © 2019 by Irfan Maulana