This was a advanced exercise in my masters. It visualizes a map of spain with different colours for each region depending of the number of infected and stats of COVID-19 afected in 2 separate dates.
I accomplished three tasks here:
- Placed pins on a map based on location.
- Scaled pins radius based on affected number.
- Spain got canary island that is a territory placed far away, I moved that islands and pasted them in a visible place in the map.
- With each stats the map changes colour depending of the number of infected.
- Floating tooltip with data over each circle.
- Execute npm install. It will install everything in order to work.
npm install
- Start the script npm start. It will start the project and you can see the result in your browseron: http://localhost:1234/.
npm start
- My code is fully commented through the execution, almost line by line. For more detail you should look in specific libraryes.