Plotting alternative allele fractions and identifying UPDs
This tool is a python streamlit app, and allows for quick and interactive exploration of panel or exome-vcf files.
Additionally, all deviations from expected distributions of ROHs and inheritance are flagged accordingly, to allow a reliable detection of potential UPD-patterns.
altAFplotter: a web app for reliable UPD detection in NGS diagnostics
A public version of the plotter is available here.
Install python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install additional tools needed:
In order to start the streamlit server, run
streamlit run
and your are good to go.
Guidelines on how to use the altafplotter and interpretation of potential UPD findings can be found here.
We run a local version of this tool, that is integrated with our NGS-evaluation software Varvis and our LIMS Gepado.
Feel free to contact us, if you are interested in integrating your LIMS or NGS-software.
There is a branch available, that includes the varvis functionality, here is what you need to do to use it:
- switch branch to
should beTrue
- add your varvis url and user credentials in