This site is a collection of notes on recieving weather satellite images using amateur radio hardware and software.
My notes can be found here:
Here is a curated list of links I've found to be helpful
73 - KI7ZTH
- SDR# aka SDRSharp: Software used to demodulate signals recieved from an SDR.
- GOESTools
- WX2IMG: A commonly used windows tool to convert intercepted APT signals into images. Note that this project is abandoned. I'm linking to a local copy which I've verified works on Windows 10.
- OpenSatelliteProject: Don't really know what this project does yet.
- HRPT Decoder: This looks to be a QT based desktop app for decoding HRPT signals from NOAA 18/19 Meteor-B etc. These scripts are designed to be run after capturing signals as a WAV file or some other audio format.
- HRPT Decoder By Peter Koistra Hosted on the same site as the HRPT Decoder linked above. These are a different set of scripts designed to be run in the GNU radio tool, and can be used to process signals in realtime.
- Thought Emporium - "How to Receive Beautiful Images of the Earth Directly From Space | GOES-15,16,17 and Himawari 8 HRIT" This video has a good rollup of links in the description.
- Scott Chapman - "LilacSat-1 Satellite Camera Image Decode :: 08-July-2017"
- Giuseppe IT9YBG - "Tutorial MeteorGIS"
- Christoph Honal - "Weather satellite Meteor-M2 LRPT signal decoding"
- max30max31 - "IZ5RZR - How to receive Meteor M2 Satellite"
- GOES Tools - A minimal LRIT/HRIT receiver
- GOES Satellite Hunt (Part 1 – Antenna System): October 2016. This is the first of a five part series by @lucasteske on the development of hardware/software required to pull down NOAA GOES information. The software is encapsulated in the OpenSatelliteProject.
- SARCNET - Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator Mk1: Original 2016, updated with new build information. Detailed plans on designing an arduino-powered satellite tracking roatator for the Arrow antenna. See their homepage for a comprehensive list of other projects.
- @usa_satcom: Maintiains See their site for a comprehensive list of their software projects.
- @lucasteske: Maintainer of the OpenSatelliteProject
- @uhf_satcom: Maintains