A custom Now builder that can generate a glossary of terms organised by collections and languages.
In your now.json
"version": 2,
"builds": [
"src": "null",
"use": "@mathspace/glossary-builder",
"config": {
"title": "My Glossary",
"data": "data.yml"
In your data.yml
# Every record must have type and id fields.
# Type fields: /[a-zA-Z-_]+/
# ID fields: /[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/
# The value of the id field must be unique within the context of the type.
# Foreign key refs are a type and an id combined with slash ("type/id").
type: language
id: en
# Reference to another language that is a superset of this language. Nullable.
title: English
type: collection
id: a
# Reference to another collection that is a superset of this collection. Nullable.
title: Collection A
type: definition-set
id: thing
type: definition
id: a
# ID of the language this definition belongs to. Required.
language: language/en
# ID of the collection this definition belongs to. Nullable.
# ID of the set this definition belongs to. Required.
definitionSet: definition-set/thing
title: A Thing
It's a thing.