Uptime module for py3status
To install the module you must first get the py3status sources and insert the module into the modules directory.
cd ~
mkdir -p src
cd src
git clone https://github.com/ultrabug/py3status.git
git clone https://github.com/Yugge/py3status-uptime
cp py3status-uptime/uptime.py py3status/py3status/modules/
Then build/install py3status as per usual
cd py3status
sudo python setup.py install
Configure the module as per usual.
The following configuration options are available:
- color - Color of the output, as hexstring (Default: #FFFFFF)
- format - Format string for the output, the uptime text will be inserted at %uptime (Default: "UP: %uptime")
- pretty - Sends the -p flag to the uptime command, giving a prettified output. (Default: False)
An improvement would be to parse uptime -s and make it available with the strftime syntax.
Well, I probably will when I feel the module is completed.