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GitHub Action

Nexmo Send SMS

v1.0.0 Latest version

Nexmo Send SMS


Nexmo Send SMS

Send an SMS using Nexmo


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Nexmo Send SMS

uses: nexmo-community/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in nexmo-community/nexmo-sms-action

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Nexmo SMS Action

Send an SMS from GitHub Actions using Nexmo.

For additional details, see the blog post Send SMS with GitHub Actions


The args represent the recipient and the contents of the message.

For example:

workflow "Send SMS On Push" {
  on = "push"
  resolves = ["notification"]

action "notification" {
    uses = "nexmo-community/nexmo-sms-action@master"
    secrets = [
    args = "15551234567 New pull on $GITHUB_REPOSITORY from $GITHUB_ACTOR."

will send New pull on $GITHUB_REPOSITORY from $GITHUB_ACTOR to 15551234567.

If you don't want to expose your recipient number, you can use secrets.

For example, a new secret called DEVOPS_NUMBER could be used inside of args as follows:

workflow "Send SMS On Push" {
  on = "push"
  resolves = ["notification"]

action "notification" {
    uses = "nexmo-community/nexmo-sms-action@master"
    secrets = [

This allows for you to reuse this action to send messages to various recipients.


This action uses the following required secrets:

  • NEXMO_API_KEY - Your Nexmo API Key.
  • NEXMO_API_SECRET - Your Nexmo API Secret.
  • NEXMO_NUMBER - A number on your Nexmo account without any spaces or symbols. Example: 15551231234

Event Information

GitHub stores the event information in the json file at $GITHUB_EVENT_PATH. You can use jq to parse this file and send its contents in the SMS:

jq .issue.html_url $GITHUB_EVENT_PATH --raw-output

Here's an example of sending an SMS any time an issue is created with the urgent label:

workflow "Send SMS On Urgent Issue" {
  resolves = [
    "Send Urgent Issue Message",
  on = "issues"

action "Has Urgent Label" {
  uses = "actions/bin/filter@8738e95"
  args = "label urgent"

action "Label Being Added" {
  uses = "actions/bin/filter@8738e95"
  args = "action labeled"

action "Send Urgent Issue Message" {
  needs = ["Label Being Added", "Has Urgent Label"]
  secrets = [
  args = "$DEVOPS_NUMBER This urgent issue needs your attention: `jq .issue.html_url $GITHUB_EVENT_PATH --raw-output`"
  uses = "nexmo-community/nexmo-sms-action@master"