Simple (and awesome) command line interface for quickly accessing your (equally awesome) Monzo account info, its current balance, latest transactions, etc.
It uses pymonzo and its authentication system in the background so you should to read the auth section there first.
From PyPI:
$ pip install monz
First, you need to authenticate either via an access token or OAuth 2.
Everything else should be pretty straightforward:
$ monz --help
Usage: monz [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Simple command line interface for quickly accessing your Monzo account
info, current balance, latest transactions, etc.
See for more info.
-t, --access-token TEXT Monzo API access token.
--help Show this message and exit.
info* Show your Monzo basic info
accounts Show connected Monzo accounts
balance Show Monzo account balance
transactions Show Monzo account transactions
The default subcommand is info
which shows your account balance and its
latest transaction:
$ monz
Balance: £17.29
Spent today: £0.00
-£50.00 | Robot Arms Apartments (New New York)
Category: Bills
Date: Nov 18, 3016 11:09 PM
$ monz info
Balance: £17.29
Spent today: £0.00
-£50.00 | Robot Arms Apartments (New New York)
Category: Bills
Date: Nov 18, 3016 11:09 PM
You can view your linked accounts:
$ monz accounts
Account #1, Bender Rodríguez
ID: acc_2716057
Created: Dec 31, 2999 11:59 PM
If you have only one then it will become the default one, but if you have more then you have to pass its ID explicitly to other subcommands.
You can also view your current balance:
$ monz balance
Balance: £17.29
Spent today: £0.00
Finally, you can see your latest transactions:
$ monz transactions -n 2
-£50.00 | Robot Arms Apartments (New New York)
Category: Bills
Date: Nov 18, 3016 11:09 PM
-£9.20 | Fronty's Meat Market (New New York)
Category: Grocieries
Date: Nov 17, 3016 8:31 AM
Package was tested with the help of py.test
and tox
on Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5
and 3.6 (see tox.ini
Code coverage is available at Coveralls.
To run tests yourself you need to set environment variables with access token
before running tox
inside the repository:
$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
$ export MONZO_ACCESS_TOKEN='...'
$ tox
Package source code is available at GitHub.
Feel free to use, ask, fork, star, report bugs, fix them, suggest enhancements, add functionality and point out any mistakes. Thanks!
Developed and maintained by Paweł Adamczak.
Released under MIT License.