The motivation behind this is to become more familiar with building PostgreSQL extensions. The conversion can of course also be done in C code, the Golang library step is pure convenience :-)
Hopefully this will come in helpful for someone who wants to build another postgres extension!
cd tonconvertlib/
go mod tidy
make build
cd postgres-extension/
cp ../tonconvertlib/tonconvert.a .
cp ../tonconvertlib/tonconvert.h .
make USE_PGXS=1
make install
psql -h localhost -U kingkong (<-- has to be SUPERUSER)
kingkong=# create extension log;
kingkong=# select addr_to_human_readable_bounceable('-1:3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333');
(1 row)
Make sure pg_config
is part of your PATH var
brew --prefix postgresql@15
which pg_config
file tonconvert.a
tonconvert.a: current ar archive random library
nm tonconvert.a | grep "convert_to_human_readable_c"
000000000009e990 T __cgoexp_2e6779091b52_convert_to_human_readable_c
000000000009e510 t _main.convert_to_human_readable_c
U __cgoexp_2e6779091b52_convert_to_human_readable_c
0000000000000000 T _convert_to_human_readable_c