Node-SSH is an extremely lightweight Promise wrapper for ssh2, Period.
var node_ssh, ssh;
node_ssh = require('node-ssh');
ssh = new node_ssh();
host: 'localhost',
username: 'steel',
privateKey: '/home/steel/.ssh/id_rsa'
}).then(function() {
// Source, Target
ssh.put('/home/steel/Lab/LocalSource', '/home/steel/Lab/RemoteTarget').then(function() {
console.log("The File thing is done");
}, function(error) {
console.log("Something's wrong");
// Array<Shape('Local' => string, 'Remote' => string)>
ssh.putMulti([{'Local': '/home/steel/Lab/LocalSource', 'Remote': '/home/steel/Lab/RemoteTarget'}]).then(function() {
console.log("The File thing is done");
}, function(error) {
console.log("Something's wrong");
// Source, Target
ssh.get('/home/steel/Lab/RemoteSource', '/home/steel/Lab/LocalTarget').then(function(Contents) {
console.log("The File's contents were successfully downloaded");
}, function(error) {
console.log("Something's wrong");
// Command
ssh.execCommand('hh_client --json', {cwd:'/var/www', stream: 'both'}).then(function(result) {
console.log('STDOUT: ' + result.stdout);
console.log('STDERR: ' + result.stderr);
class SSH{
connect(SSH2Configuration): Promise<void>
mkdir(Path:String): Promise<string>
exec(command: String, args: Array<string>, options: Object{cwd: String, stdin: String, stream: enum{'stdout', 'stderr', 'both'}}): Promise
execCommand(command: String, options: Object{cwd: String, stdin: String, stream: enum{'stdout', 'stderr', 'both'}}): Promise
put(localPath: String, remotePath: String, ?SFTP: SSH2SFTP, ?Retry:Boolean = true): Promise<void>
putMulti(Files:array<Object{Local: String, Remote: String}>, ?SFTP: SSH2SFTP): Promise<void>
get(remoteFile: String, localFile: String, ?SFTP: SSH2SFTP): Promise<?string>
requestSFTP(): Promise<SSH2SFTP>
requestShell(): Promise<SSH2Shell>
This project is licensed under the terms of MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.