#A python wrapper for Survey Gizmo's API (v4)
depends on requests and rauth (for oauth handling) or you can just use your api_key and token from gizmo's admin page. Optionally, you can integrate with slack and uncomment stuff for that, and there are obvious places where using a mysql database to handle fetched keys would help.
At a bare minimum, clone this and edit the gizmo_api.py
get_auth() function to return your specific API_KEY and API_TOKEN. This gets added to all API calls.
All CALLs using rauth.sessions that *modify data* must include a _method parameter, and separate parameters for everything
after the '?' in the url / endpoint to work. These existing calls work with requests just fine, which can accept strings with
parameters, but rauth cannot.
These calls include:
- add_question()
- add_option()
- update_survey_page()
- add_page()
- update_survey()
- create_survey()
- delete_email_message()
- update_email_message()
- create_email_message()
- delete_contact()
- update_contact()
- create_contact()
- delete_campaign()
- update_campaign()
- create_campaign()