Openstack deployment using Ansible
This repository provides a series of playbooks in ansible to install Openstack ice-house services in a single node, with single NIC on ubuntu 12.04.
Install ansible on your client machine:
Create hosts intentory for ansible
File: /etc/ansible/hosts
Create user on Openstack server with sudo privileges
$ useradd user
$ visudo
Upload public ssh on Openstack server
$ ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/public.key user@IP_server
Basic test, almost ready to start
$ ansible all -m ping -u user
Run Playbook, either from stg or prod directory
$ ansible-playbook openstack-[stg|prod]/allinone.yml -u user --sudo
Note: If using openstack-prod, we use a personalized image for glance: centos-6.6-x86_64-disk.qcow2, then change the proper references with your image name.
If you are running this on a cloud server apply this fix :P
$ ansible-playbook openstack-[stg|prod]/cloud-libvirt-fix.yml -u user --sudo
Create instance and apply security rules
$ ansible-playbook openstack-[stg|prod]/create-instance.yml -u user --sudo
Verify your instance is running:
$ source credentials/admin
$ nova console-log MyFirstInstance
$ nova list